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Warning: Mature mentions of child birth.

"The midwife will be here any minute, get dressed!" Bad ordered his fiancé who was laying on the couch wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. Bad had hunted down a supportive midwife. Who Bad convinced to give them private parenting and birthing lessons.

"I feel like I'm dying!" Skeppy groaned loudly.

"You're always dying!" Bad rushed to the bedroom and got Skeppy a shirt. He then proceeded to force the shirt on Skeppy, as if he was a difficult toddler. "Geppy, put the stupid shirt on!"

"It's too hot and my insides hurt!" Skeppy continued to put up a fight.

"You want the midwife to see you shirtless?" Bad raised an eyebrow.

"No..." Skeppy finally cooperated and put his shirt on. Can I keep my shorts on?"

"Yes, I don't care if he sees your legs." Bad rolled his eyes.

"Wait...he?" Skeppy gasped. "Bad, our midwife is a guy?"

"Yes, I told you...you weren't listening yesterday." Bad huffed and flopped down on the couch. At that exact moment, the doorbell rang. "Oh come on!" Bad got up and sprinted to the door. He opened it with his hair a mess, and his clothes covered in various things. From dog hair, to Skeppy tears. "Hello, thanks for coming. You're uh..." Bad tried to remember his name.

"Call me Red. You're..." Red looked down. "well you're not the pregnant one...you're Bad?"

"Yes, I'm Bad." Bad smiled and let the midwife in. "You have no idea how excited we are to have a LGBTQ+ friendly midwife to educate us."

"No worries, I'm happy to help... where's the pregnant one?" Red chuckled.

"This way." Bad led him to the living room. "He's being extra difficult today, I'm so sorry. We both look pretty rough."

"That's fine, I understand." Red got to the living room with Bad and greeted Skeppy. "Hey there, I'm Red...how are you feeling?"

"Like a whale." Skeppy laid down on the couch and turned away from them.

Red kneeled by the couch. "you don't look that big, how far along are you?" When Skeppy didn't respond, Red looked to Bad.

"He's about 5 months now." Bad replied proudly and sat on the edge of the couch. "it's been pretty hard on him."

"I'm dying." Skeppy whined.

"If you're not feeling well enough, maybe we could reschedule?" The midwife suggested.

"No...it's okay." Skeppy muttered and sat up properly so they could get things started. "What's the first thing we're going to learn?"

"Well was there something in particular you wanted to know?" Red wanted to let Skeppy lead the topics.

"Mn, how the hell is this thing getting out?" Skeppy patted his stomach.

"Skeppy, language. Be nicer." Bad huffed.

Red just laughed, he was used to receiving an attitude from people. "Well there's only two ways that baby is coming out. Vaginally, or through a C-section. Do you have a birth plan started?"

"Not really, no. He wants to give birth at home though. Which is why we want to be taught the basics of childbirth." Bad explained.

"Ah okay, and is this the first baby?" Red was taking mental notes of Skeppy's situation.

"Yes-" Bad said.

"No, No it's not. I had a baby in my belly before but he died before he was born." Skeppy was determined to not forget his first child.

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