Bad Mother?

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The next morning Skeppy shifted around in his sleep until he finally woke up. He woke up surrounded by his assorted pillows, but that wasn't all. Bad was also in the bed, fast asleep. After their drive, they both crawled into bed together and fell asleep. Nothing weird, just for comfort.

Skeppy blushed when he realized Bad was actually under the same blanket as him. He inched closer and put an arm over Bad's torso.

Bad woke and rubbed his eyes. Once he realized he was asleep in bed with Skeppy, he also blushed. "Oh...good morning."

"Morning...don't you have to work?" Skeppy reminded him reluctantly.

"OH MY GOSH!" Bad sat up quickly and checked the time, thankfully he wasn't running too late yet. "Thanks for waking me, I would of definitely slept in."

"I wish you could stay." Skeppy pouted.

"Me too." Bad stretched before getting out of the bed. "Got any craving requests today?"

Skeppy sat up and held his stomach. "Hm...cheese, I want cheese and more pickles...and can I have some fuzzy peaches, the candy."

Bad found a pen on his nightstand and wrote the list on his hand. "Sounds good, is that all you need?"

"Yeah, you already spend too much on me." Skeppy yawned and laid back down in his pillow nest. "Have a good day at work, I'm probably going to fall asleep again..."

"Okay, make sure to take care of yourselves." Bad stepped close to the bed and leaned down, giving Skeppy's cheek a little nuzzle. Then he rested his hand on the baby bump. "Start thinking of names so I don't have to keep calling him muffin."

Skeppy giggled like an idiot when Bad touched his belly. It always felt so tender and romantic. "I'll start thinking of names...but what if you were wrong and it's not a boy?"

Bad shrugged. "It's a possibility. I think I saw a little boy, but it could of just been the way the baby was positioned. Ultrasounds aren't that clear, it's easy to mistake things."

"What if my baby is assigned male at birth, and then in the future they end up trans? They'll hate me for giving them a boy name." Skeppy over thought.

" can try to pick something gender neutral?" Bad suggested.

"Good idea..." Skeppy agreed.

"I better get ready for work. I'll see you muffins later." Bad grabbed his clothing for the day and left the room to change.


Skeppy got up a couple hours later and continued his day as usual. He didn't have much to do during the day besides take care of himself. He'd do some cleaning but he was limited to the dishes, And light dusting. He tried to do more, but Bad hid the cleaning supplies from him. Chemicals were harmful to the baby, and even bending over to sweep up dirt could put Skeppy in pain.


The afternoon came and Skeppy was taking a little break on the couch. He was watching a Disney movie of course, "Toy Story" to be exact. That's when he got a undesirable phone call.

"Hello?" Skeppy picked up without checking the ID. The only one that called him lately was Bad, so he suspected Bad.

"Hey darling, been awhile." Lee greeted him.

"...Lee?" Skeppy paused his movie, losing the color in his face like he had just seen a ghost. "What the fuck?!"

"Calm down, I'm not calling to start a fight. I wanted to apologize." Lee stated calmly.

"Well I don't accept it." Skeppy snapped. Lee had been ignoring him for far too long. "I'm pregnant with your baby, and you treated me like shit!"

"CALM DOWN!" Lee raised his voice loud enough to make Skeppy submit. They knew all the right ways to control Skeppy. "I'm sorry, I want to see you. I want to know what's been going on, how's the baby?"

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