Sleep Beside Me?

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Puffy stayed for awhile, crying to Bad before she finally felt better. "I should probably go..."

"You're not driving home, you're too drunk. I'm surprised you made it here in one piece." Bad scolded her lightly. "You can sleep here."

"Where?" Puffy tilted her head, this was a one bedroom house.

"You can sleep on the couch, I'll give Skeppy my bed, and I'll sleep on the floor." Bad shrugged.

"Why don't I get the bed?" Puffy joked.

"Well he's pregnant, and he hasn't got to sleep in a bed for awhile." Bad pointed out.

"Oh wow Bad. You're helping this pregnant man out, and you didn't even let him have your bed?" Puffy teased.

Bad shrugged. "He likes the couch, it's closer to the kitchen. He gets hungry a lot."

"Right, of course." Puffy stood up and stretched. "Get your little friend out of the bathroom so I can piss."

Bad stood up and went to the bathroom, knocking softly. "Skeppy, are you going to come out? Puffy needs to pee. She's going to stay the night so you are going to sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

Skeppy exited the bathroom. "Are you sure? I could sleep on the floor."

Bad tilted his head and gestured to Skeppy's stomach. "And how's little Skeppy going to feel about that?"

Skeppy shrugged. "I don't think they have an opinion."

"Well I do, you aren't sleeping on the floor. You get the bed, I'll sleep on the floor by the couch." Bad made the decision final. Puffy was right, he should of gave Skeppy the bed from the beginning.

"Actually...if you're going to sleep on the floor, can you sleep by the bed? I don't feel good, and I want someone in the room with me." Skeppy asked timidly. He felt out of line for asking Bad to be in the room with him for support.

"Sure, I don't have to work tomorrow. If you need me to help you, wake me up. Even if it's just to hold your hand." Bad told him, despite how tired he was.


Everyone fell asleep pretty quick, they were all over tired. Unfortunately Skeppy didn't stay asleep too long before he got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Skeppy emptied his stomach without waking Bad or Puffy. Though when he was done throwing up, he rightfully went to rinse out his mouth. On his way to the sink he tripped since he was so tired, and smacked his head against the countertop. He didn't need to go wake anyone, because his scream in agony woke them up perfectly fine.

Bad came running in the room first, he entered panic mode when he saw blood trickling down Skeppy's forehead. "Oh my gosh, what happened?!"

Skeppy screamed again, holding his hand over his wound lightly. He was in too much shock to bother explaining.

"Okay, okay." Bad kneeled beside him and moved Skeppy's hand so he could see. Bad flinched at the wound. "Oh no...that doesn't look good. We're going to need to go to the hospital."

Skeppy whined and shook his head. When he was scared, the last thing he wanted to do was go to a hospital.

Bad helped him off the floor. "Looks like you'll need stitches, we're gonna have to. It's okay, stay calm."

Puffy came into the bathroom rubbing her eyes. "What's going on- oh my god, is he okay?"

Bad wrapped an arm around Skeppy to stabilize him. "We need to get him to the hospital, he'll be okay."

Skeppy leaned on Bad, sobbing over the throbbing pain in his head. "It hurts, make it better."

"I will, come on." Bad tiredly walked Skeppy to the living room.

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