Can I Have A Job?

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TW// Mentions of invasive medical exams, and drug addiction.

"I don't understand what makes your pregnancy tests so much better." Skeppy complained while waiting in Bad's office.

"The tests are pretty much the same. It's the ultrasound that will prove it to us for sure." Bad said while organizing his desk.

"Hey! You never told me I was getting an ultrasound today!" Skeppy whined.

"I know, I know...I'm sorry, I forgot to mention it. You'll be okay." Bad assured Skeppy, not wanting him to stress out. "We have a new ultrasound technician working here. She seems pretty friendly. I think it will go smoothly."

"What kind of ultrasound? I don't want a wand up my-"

"Oh look at that, times up." Bad said as he checked his watch. "I'll go to the lab to see the test results, and you can head to the ultrasound room."

Skeppy stood up. "fine, but come meet me there." He mumbled.

"I will meet you there as soon as I can." Bad opened the door and let Skeppy step out first.


After checking Skeppy's test results at the lab, Bad headed down to the ultrasound room and knocked on the door.

The technician opened the door with a smile. "Hello Dr. Halo. You're here to be with your boyfriend, right?"

"Huh-!" Bad turned paler than the floor he was standing on. "what are you talking about?!"

"He got nervous and told on you." The technician opened the door and let Bad in.

Bad stepped in and laughed awkwardly. "I'm not HIS doctor, I'm just A doctor...and he's my boyfriend." Bad lied.

The technician didn't believe him, but went along with it anyway. "Of course, we were just about to start."

Bad walked over to Skeppy, who was laying on his back on a bed. "Sorry I took so long."

"I didn't think you were going to get here before it happened!" Skeppy huffed and held out his hand.

Bad grabbed his hand. "I'm REALLY sorry muffin. It took longer than expected." He looked at the ultrasound technician as she continued to prepare. "What's your name again?"

"Call me Colleen, I'm not one for formalities." Collen lifted the blanket that was covering Skeppy. "Okay Skeppy, are you ready?"

"No..." Skeppy whined and sat up.

"Is there a problem?" Collen put the blanket back.

"I hate these internal ultrasounds. It's so weird, invasive, and it hurts!" Skeppy still had a bad experience stuck in his brain.

"I'm sorry, most find them there anything I can do to make you feel more at ease?"

"I don't know...I guess I'm used to being exposed in a professional setting, because I was pregnant before...and I was artificially inseminated, but I had a really bad experience during an ultrasound. The wand scares me." Skeppy expressed his feelings.

Bad rubbed Skeppy's back. He was proud that Skeppy was communicating how he felt in a healthy way.

"Well would it help if I let you insert the ultrasound wand by yourself?" Collen offered a compromise.

"I can do that?" Skeppy relaxed.

"It's not typical or ideal, but it's perfectly fine to do. Since you're scared of that part, I'll let you handle it." Collen prepped the ultrasound wand, and handed it to Skeppy. "It's easier and less painful to do it yourself, I'm sure."

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