What Were You Doing?

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TW// Mentions of suicide

As soon as Skeppy heard the door open, he ran to see if it was Bad. Thankfully it was Bad and not an intruder.

"Where the hell have you been?" Skeppy was moody and overtired.

"I went out for a walk, sorry." Bad sighed and walked past him.

"You scared me, I thought something happened to you!" Skeppy followed him.

"I'm sorry Skeppy, Let's just go to bed." Bad mumbled.

"Bad, You really scared me." Skeppy grabbed Bad's arm.

Bad turned and looked at Skeppy, before breaking down and crying. "I'm sorry, I just needed a walk!"

Skeppy was startled by the sudden outburst. He quickly pulled Bad in for a hug. "It's okay, don't cry..." He rubbed Bad's back lovingly. "Let's go to bed and try to get some rest, okay?"

Bad nodded as Skeppy escorted him to the bedroom. He got under the blankets with his boyfriend and cuddled into him. Still sobbing with almost no control over it.

Skeppy held Bad tight, and whispered comforting words until Bad fell asleep.


The next morning Skeppy was woken up abruptly by Lucy barking obsessively. "LUCY! SHUT UP!" Skeppy rolled over and realized Bad was gone again. "Ugh!" Skeppy groaned before pulling himself out of bed and going to the kitchen. Which is where Lucy was.

Lucy was barking at Bad, who was sitting at the table with his head resting on his arm.

"Bad?" Skeppy walked over and put a hand on Bad's back. "You alright?"

Bad didn't say anything, he just started crying.

Skeppy wrapped his arms around Bad tightly and pressed his face against Bad's. "It's okay Bad, I'm right here. I'm going to help you get through this." Skeppy noticed an open bottle of wine next to Bad. He took it and put it where it belonged. "No fair. If I can't drink, you can't drink either."

Bad still hadn't spoke, he just laid his head on the table.

Skeppy pulled Bad's chair out from the table and grabbed his hand. "come on honey. Let's go rest."


Skeppy spent two hours in bed with Bad, just playing with his hair, and hugging him. Eventually he had to do something. "Bad, this is getting too depressing. We need to get up and get something to eat."

"Order food." Bad mumbled.

"What do you want to eat?"


"You need to eat."

"What's the point? I'm going to die anyway."

Skeppy got his phone quietly and sighed. "You're getting chicken nuggets. I'm not letting you lay around and starve yourself."

"There's no point..." Bad complained.

"No point? Bad I'm one month pregnant with our child. Your baby is in my stomach right now, growing." Skeppy ordered McDonald's for them since it would get there the fastest.

Bad rolled over and looked at Skeppy. "come here."

Skeppy moved closer to Bad again. "What?"

Bad reached out and lifted Skeppy's shirt. "Can I touch your belly?"

"Bad it's your baby in there, you can touch my belly." Skeppy huffed.

Bad rubbed his hand over Skeppy's stomach, noticing how firm it was. "You don't look pregnant from far away, but it's easy to tell like this."

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