We're Having A Baby?!

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Skeppy was sitting on the couch, leaning against Bad. He had a glass of wine in his hand. Bad was drinking water. Lya was sitting across from them in a chair, also drinking water.

"Tell me the story with the cat and the lady again." Skeppy asked Lya, getting rather drunk at this point.

"I just told it to you?" Lya reminded him.

"It was really funny, say it again!" Skeppy insisted in a whiny tone. "please! Please! Please!" He begged.

"Retell the story before he strains himself." Bad said to Lya tiredly. He wished he was drunk too, in all honestly. He just didn't feel safe being drunk around a stranger he barely knew. He also didn't want Lya to think he was an alcoholic. Skeppy on the other hand, didn't care that much. He happily got drunk, he thought he deserved it.

"Okay so I was working a shift at the bar. A lady comes in with something hiding in her coat. She approaches me and-" Lya was interrupted by Skeppy's drunken laughter. "I didn't get to the funny part!"

Skeppy handed his glass to Bad and stood from the couch. "Hold on, I need to pee!" He stumbled his way into the bathroom.

"You live with him?" Lya tilted their head.

"Unfortunately..." Bad set down Skeppy's glass. Then he picked up the wine bottle and put it away in the kitchen. "He's had enough." Bad said before sitting back on the couch and drinking whatever Skeppy had left in his glass.

"No shit, how did we end up letting him have that much?" Lya chuckled.

"I don't know. He kept asking me to refill his cup. He's so cute, I just did it without thinking." Bad shrugged and leaned back on the couch. Although he jumped up when he heard Skeppy cry out from the bathroom. "Skeppy, are you okay?!"

"BAD, HELP!" Skeppy cried.

Bad quickly made his way to the bathroom. Staring at the ceiling as Skeppy's pants were around his ankles. "What happened, did you walk into a wall?"

"Bad, where did my thing go?"

"What thing?" Bad sighed.

"My thing! How can I pee without it!?"

Bad took a long inhale before exhaling tiredly. "Honey, you're trans."

"OOOH! PFFFT!" Skeppy giggled and sat down on the toilet. "You can leave now..."

Bad left the bathroom and plopped down on the couch.

"He okay?" Lya was genuinely a little worried.

"No, he's way too drunk." Bad rubbed his face tiredly. He knew he was in for a long night.

"Damn...well I kind of need to go now. I wish I could stay and help take care of him." Lya stood up.

"No you don't, you're lucky you don't have to stay." Bad mumbled.

"True..." Lya shrugged. "It was nice meeting you both in person though. Tell Skeppy I said goodbye."


"Bad..." Skeppy put his hand on Bad's side as they laid in bed.

"No Skeppy, I'm not going to sing to you again." Bad groaned. "Go to sleep!"

"Baaad, I need to pee again!"

"Go to the bathroom then!"

"I'm too wobbly!" Skeppy whined.

Bad threw the blanket off and sat up with an annoyed huff. "okay fine, come on."

Skeppy sat up and opened his arms.

The Man You Are Now (Skephalo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now