Can You Hold My Hand?

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"Puffy, stop!" Bad shouted as Puffy continued to blast explicit songs in the car.

"Hey when it's your turn to drive, you can pick the music!" Puffy argued back.

The two carpooled to work together on most days and Puffy enjoyed irritating Bad on the way. It was a great stress reliever for her in the mornings.

"Oh my gosh, turn it off please! I wanted to talk to you about something!" Bad insisted that she turn the song about sex off.

Puffy sighed and lowered the volume so it was barely audible. "What's up?"

"I'm seeing that pregnant man again today." Bad started.

"And?" Puffy didn't know why he was bringing it up.

"Nothing...I'm just uneasy about it...he's one of those patients that really pull on your heartstrings." Bad looked out the window.

Puffy nodded understandably. "I get it... how's he doing? What's got you worried?"

"Don't tell anyone but...I'm going to prescribe him the necessary drugs to have an at-home abortion." Bad knew Puffy was pro-choice, but he was still hesitant to tell her.

Puffy's eyes widened. "Oh wow, stepping out of the hospital's views? That's not like you...don't you normally send people to other hospitals for that sort of thing?"

"Well yeah..." Bad paused. "But Skeppy's different. I don't want to accidentally send him to a transphobic doctor. I'd rather handle this for him."

Puffy smiled. "That's amazing. I'm sure he appreciates you. Just don't get yourself in trouble."

"I won't..." Bad hoped.


Bad walked in the room, expecting to see the same gloomy look on Skeppy's face. That's exactly what he saw when he entered the room. "Hey Skeppy, time to write your prescription. Are you still set on having an abortion?"

Skeppy took a moment to respond, but he nodded.

"Alright, sounds good." Bad sat down and got to work.

"Um-" Skeppy started but stopped when Bad looked up at him.

"Yes?" Bad tilted his head.

"How important is it that I have someone with me?"

Bad put his pen down and leaned back in his chair. "Well, it's recommended that you have someone for emotional support, as well as someone that can call 911 if something were to go extremely wrong. Though the chances of that are very unlikely. You could technically go through it alone if you absolutely don't have anyone."

Skeppy nodded, satisfied with the answer. " there like anyway I could have a nurse supervising at my house? Does anyone here do house calls?"

Bad chewed on his lip and clicked his pen a couple times. "Well yes, but I'm trying to keep your abortion on the low so I don't get scolded."

Skeppy frowned, but quickly came up with an idea. "I'm just nervous that something will go wrong. Can't you just come check on me, say I had a miscarriage? My partner has work..."

"Skeppy, I'm really not supposed to..." Bad started knowing full well he wasn't going to say no. "I can make a house visit this Saturday..."

Skeppy smiled slightly. "Really?"

Bad wrote the prescription and handed it to Skeppy. "I'll monitor you during the abortion. I'll put miscarriage on your file, neither of us have to mention it after that."

"Thank you so much, I really need this. I can't have a baby right now. I just can't." Skeppy was relieved to be getting out of this. But he had no idea what was awaiting him.

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