No More Babies?

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Bad and Skeppy sat on the front steps of the church. It was time to go home, but only the priest had left. He had his family to worry about, he didn't stay to cry with Skeppy.

"It's not fair..." Skeppy sniffled, leaning into Bad's shoulder.

"I know, it's not fair..." Bad rubbed at his own eyes and took a deep breath. Watching the world's smallest casket get lowered into the ground, made him break. Even it it wasn't his child that got buried.

"Do you want to go get in the car now?" Bad asked, gently rubbing his back.

Skeppy looked at the car. Puffy was sitting in the driver's seat, holding Salem. "I don't want to go...can I just live at the cemetery?"

"No muffin, you can't." Bad gently kissed the top of Skeppy's head and grabbed one of his hands. "Come on, let's go get in the car. We'll come visit the baby, okay?"

Skeppy whined and buried his face in Bad's chest. He let out a frustrated scream. Instead of being told he was being dramatic, Skeppy felt Bad's arms wrap around him tighter than ever.

"I'm so sorry Skeppy...I can't even imagine how you're feeling..." Bad never dismissed Skeppy's feelings. Even when Skeppy was being playfully whiny, Bad always tried to do his best to accommodate him. After all, Bad paid for all the burial expenses. Tiny coffins didn't come with a tiny price.

Skeppy lifted his head and looked towards the parking lot again. Lee was still there, sitting in his car. Watching them. "I never have to see that jerk again, right?"

"Never." Bad rocked with Skeppy in his arms. "I've got you now, I'm going to take care of you."


Bad pushed the cart through the goodwill. He was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home. Yet watching Skeppy pick out baby clothes made him feel a bit better.

"Skeppy, this is cute." Puffy held up a black baby onesie with little daisies on it.

"I like it." Skeppy took it and put it in the cart. Bad had told him to get whatever he wanted, they were in a goodwill after all. Bad needed to budget his spending now since the funeral service was so expensive.

Skeppy had the doll laying against his shoulder, holding it securely with one arm. He used the other to look through the clothing. "We need to hurry up, I think he's getting hungry."

"Okay." Bad started walking faster like the doll could actually starve. "Do you see anything else?"

Skeppy sorted through a few more things. "No, I think that's all he needs."

"Let's go pay then." Bad said as they made their way to the cashier.

Once everything was paid for, Bad and Puffy carried the bags and put them in the back.

Bad opened the backdoor and held it while Puffy got in the driver's seat.

Skeppy went to open his door, when Bad let out a little groan.

"Skeppy, I'm holding the door for you."

"Oh?" Skeppy walked around to the other side. " one's held a car door open for me before." He got in and smiled softly at Bad. Bad was a good man, he was sure. He even double checked that all Skeppy's limbs were safely in the car before shutting the door.

Bad got in on the other side and moved to the middle, so he could be as close to Skeppy as possible. "That's not right."

"Well I guess maybe my dad did a couple times back when I was his little princess." Skeppy said bitterly and got the diaper bag.

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