Why Do They Have To Stare?

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It was Saturday night, Bad was off work. Skeppy was standing in the bathroom mirror, looking intensely into his own eyes. Even his eyes looked wrong to him.

Bad knocked on the door. "Hey Skeppy, you almost ready?" Bad was finally taking Skeppy out. It was a causal adventure. They were just going to go to a park, have a picnic, and walk around. It was technically a date, though they were both anxious to admit it.

Skeppy opened the door and rested his hands on his stomach. "I've pissed three times while getting ready in here. I thought the obsessive pissing was supposed to happen after? I'm gonna have to squat and pee in a bush during our picnic."

"Stop, you'll be fine!" Bad rolled his eyes and looked Skeppy up and down. "You look great."

"Of course you think that, you bought the outfit." Skeppy walked out of the bathroom and looked at Bad."you're really cute tonight...you must have a crush on me~"

Bad turned pink and shrugged it off. "You look cute too."

"Oh yeah? That's good, I was starting to think my back pain was making me look moody all the time." Skeppy smiled at the compliment.

Bad walked around Skeppy and hugged him from behind. "No, you're glowing. You look so handsome."

Skeppy's whole body heated up. He loved the way Bad made him feel. Their bond was rapidly growing, and their love was too strong to be illegal. "You think so?" Skeppy giggled like a child. Lee had him blocked on everything, it hurt at first. Though Bad did a good job at wiping Lee from his memory. "Baad, can you do the thing?"

"What thing?" Bad was still hugging him gently.

"The thing." Skeppy took Bad's hands and relocated them to his stomach.

Bad got the hint, and supported Skeppy's baby bump in his hands, relieving the strain on Skeppy's back for a moment. "He's gonna be a big one I bet."

Skeppy sighed and peacefully enjoyed the moment. "I don't care how big or small they are, I just want them to hurry up and come out so I can stop worrying."

"They'll be okay." Bad released the baby bump, letting Skeppy carry the weight again. "Let's go out and relax. No worrying about baby tonight. He's gonna be okay. You have an appointment next week to check on him."

Skeppy sighed and stretched his back slightly. "You got everything ready?"

"The car is packed, I'm ready to go. Come on handsome." Bad led Skeppy out of the house, making sure he left his insecurities behind.

Skeppy got in the passenger's seat and strapped himself in. He adjusted the seatbelt so it couldn't apply too much pressure on his stomach. "I think I need to pee again." Skeppy said as soon as Bad got in the car.

"Skeppy...can you hold it? The park has a bathroom." Bad put on his seatbelt and started the car.

"I think I can hold it..." Skeppy leaned back and looked out the window. It was a beautiful night. "You're sure this park is safe to be in at night, right?"

"Oh yeah, there's night guards and everything. It's totally safe, I wouldn't take you to a location that attracts serial killers." Bad promised it was safe before driving to the park.

Once there Bad got the basket out of the backseat, and Skeppy took the blanket. They picked out a spot by the fountain and set up their date.

"I didn't know night picnics were a thing, this is so relaxing." Skeppy said while taking a seat on the blanket.

Bad sat beside Skeppy and opened the basket. They packed sandwiches and snacks, it was a light lunch before they went to bed. "I've always wanted to do a picnic date at night, it's so quiet here."

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