Are You Sure He's Okay?

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Important notice:

You probably saw that I'm struggling to keep up with writing. Especially when it comes to stories I don't have ideas for. I've really only been able to focus on my Stranger Things book.

This is a very short chapter. Next chapter will probably be a large time skip. I just feel like a big skip will help me finish this story. I hope you don't mind, thanks for the patience. :)

Bad knocked on the bedroom door for a second time. "Skeppy, the midwife is gone...can I come in now?"


"I didn't do anything!" Bad defended himself. "Come on honey, let me in. Everything will be okay."

"He killed Salem!"

Bad leaned on the door and sighed. "Darling it's a-" he stopped and remembered how much the doll meant to Skeppy. "He's not dead, it was a little accident. He'll be okay. Bad thought of an idea quickly. He pulled out his phone and turned the volume up. He turned on a video of a baby crying before knocking again. "Skeppy, the baby needs to be changed!"

Just like a miracle, it worked. Skeppy opened the door slowly and looked out. He knew Salem wasn't real, but he loved to pretend. "Salem?"

"He's on the couch, can you change him?" Bad asked.

"Okay..." Skeppy ran to the couch and collected his baby. He gently rocked the doll and checked it's head. "Are you sure he's okay?"

"Yeah, the floors are soft. He's okay." Bad smiled. Had it been a real baby, it would not of been okay. "Do you need help?"

Skeppy sat on the couch with the doll. "go get the changing supplies, please. Bring him a change of clothes too."

"Alright, on it!" Bad went into the room and got the things Skeppy would need. There was no harm in letting him pretend and practice while they waited for the real baby. On his way back out, he turned off the crying.

Skeppy gently changed the doll and dressed it in some clean pajamas. "Can you feed him?"

"Sure." Bad took the doll from Skeppy and held it close to his chest. "You go get ready for bed too, okay? I think we all need an early night."

"Okay, I want to take a quick bath." Skeppy stood up and kissed Bad on the cheek. "Please be gentle with Salem."

"I will, Muffin." Bad promised and headed to the kitchen to pretend to feed the doll.


By the time Skeppy finally crawled into bed, Bad was already asleep. Skeppy slowly got under the covers, attempting to not wake his fiancé. He inched over to Bad and snaked his arm around him. He really wanted attention, even though Bad was asleep. At first Skeppy tried to go to sleep too, but he ended up gently nudging Bad in the back. He wanted attention, but also didn't want to wake his lover. It was a complicated situation.

Skeppy acted surprised when Bad woke up from the nudging. "Sorry babe, did I wake you?"

"Mn, yup..." Bad mumbled tiredly and rolled over to face Skeppy. "are you just getting to bed now?"

"Yeah, I was in the bath, and I wanted a snack after." Skeppy took advantage of Bad being awake. "Can you cuddle me? I want to be a spoon."

"What?" Bad giggled. "A spoon?"

"Spoon me!" Skeppy huffed and rolled over.

Bad laughed and gently cuddled into Skeppy from behind, spooning him like he requested. "You're so needy."

"Mn, shut up." Skeppy said with a smile and closed his eyes.

"You smell good~" Bad sniffed Skeppy.

"Don't sniff me, you weirdo!" Skeppy laughed.

"You smell good! I can't help it!" Bad nuzzled his face against Skeppy's shoulder. "Mmn, it's like you bathed in cupcakes."

"Remind me never to use vanilla bubble bath again." Skeppy whined.

"Aw, but you smell tasty!" Bad kissed Skeppy's cheek. "I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight my little cupcake."

"Goodnight..." Skeppy mumbled and started falling asleep as well.

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