No Intimacy?

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TW// Mature conversations, but obviously no smut.

The next morning Bad woke up with Skeppy latched onto his side. He laughed it off softly and gently peeled him off. Bad yawned and stretched tiredly, he wasn't used to sleeping in often. Even though he had only slept in for about an hour.

Bad got up and quicky changed his clothes in the bathroom before going to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

Skeppy woke up not too long after, and started crying. Immediately, without a trigger.

Bad heard the crying and ran to the room with his empty mug in his hand. "Skeppy, You okay?"

Skeppy shook his head. "Pain is back..."

"It's alright, I'll go get your pills." Bad went to the kitchen and put his cup down. He grabbed the orange bottle on the table and poured Skeppy a glass of water. By the time he got back to Skeppy, Skeppy had calmed himself down a bit.

Skeppy reached out. "Hurry up and drug me."

Bad opened the pill bottle and gave Skeppy two tablets. "Here, no more until the evening."

Skeppy put the pills in his mouth and swallowed them before Bad could even hand over the water.

"Oh my goodness, careful you don't choke." Bad put the glass of water in Skeppy's hands.

Skeppy washed down his painkillers and took a deep breath. "Is it normal for me to be in a lot of pain?"

"How would you rate it out of 10?" Bad asked.

"6, maybe 7?" Skeppy replied and put the cup down before laying in the bed again.

"Do you want me to take a look?" Bad crawled onto the bed with Skeppy.

"Yeah, that's your job? You're my private doctor." Skeppy joked lightly and lifted his shirt up for Bad to examine his stomach and lower abdomen.

"Well you're not so shy anymore." Bad joked before having a professional look at his stitches. "It's looking how it should. Does it hurt when I press around it?" Bad asked, applying pressure around the surgery site.

"Ow! Yeah, but just a little." Skeppy whined.

"I think you'll be okay. I'll just keep checking it often. Let me know if you start feeling dizzy, or nauseous. Or if you notice a numbing sensation in any part of your body." Bad told him. He went to pull Skeppy's shirt down for him, but noticed something he probably shouldn't of stared at.

"Okay, I'm not really feeling sick, just in pain and aching..." Skeppy noticed Bad's eyes locked onto his chest. He quickly yanked his shirt back down. "what's your problem?!"

"SORRY!" Bad instantly became flustered. "I'm not being weird or creepy! I was just admiring your chest- AH okay that sounded weird!" Bad covered his mouth so he didn't say anything else weird.

"Right..." Skeppy glared at him. He couldn't help but feel like Bad was judging his body.

"I guess I..." Bad started talking again. "I wasn't expecting your chest to look so perfect."

Skeppy lightened up a bit. "Don't be a pervert!"

"AH NO! I meant from a medical perspective. Your chest looks very good. I wouldn't be able to tell you're trans if I saw you at the beach shirtless. Your surgeon must of been amazing." Bad explained before Skeppy sued him for inappropriate comments.

"Bad if you think my chest is hot, just say that." Skeppy teased and pulled the blanket up over himself. "Thank you though...that means a lot. Lee paid good money for it."

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