Am I A Murderer?

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Bad took a deep breath before walking in to the room to see Skeppy. As he suspected, Skeppy looked worse than the first time he saw him. He was wearing sweatpants and a black hoodie. That wasn't a problem, except he'd obviously been wearing them for days now. He smelt like he could use a shower, but that didn't bother Bad in the slightest. Sweat was one of the more pleasant hospital smells.

"Good evening Skeppy..." Bad didn't bother to ask him how he was feeling. He clearly wasn't feeling good. Bad sat at his desk and logged in to pull up Skeppy's file. "So...have you been thinking about your options?"

Skeppy nodded reluctantly.

"Excellent, so what do you want to do? Just let me know." Bad smiled, trying to let Skeppy know that he could trust him.

"I'm going to keep the baby..." Skeppy cleared his throat, his voice was raspy from spending the previous night laying awake and crying.

Bad accidentally fell silent and stared at Skeppy. He didn't mean to come off as judgmental, that just wasn't the outcome he was expecting. Since Skeppy was young, trans, and seemingly didn't have a permanent partner. Bad was just assuming since he didn't bring a partner with him for emotional support. Perhaps Skeppy did have a partner, but they were working.

"Is that okay?" Skeppy asked to snap Bad out of his trance.

"Oh yeah...yeah." Bad got a pen and clicked it open. He wrote down Puffy's business number to give to Skeppy later. Seemed like he'd really need some help. "I just want to let you know, your at a slightly higher risk of losing your baby than average. However, your odds still look good. You should he able to carry your baby to full term."

"Just fucking great." Skeppy scoffed.

Bad didn't correct his language, he just sighed. "Skeppy...I didn't want to tell you until you were calmer. We think you're about 5-7 weeks pregnant. I'd like to schedule an ultrasound for you."

Skeppy shifted around and pulled his sleeves over his hands. "Can it wait?"

"It'll probably be a couple weeks away. You should schedule the appointment now." Bad suggested what was best for him.

"I just don't think I can handle seeing it..." Skeppy referred to his child.

"Ah...I see. You don't have to look at it. They can keep the screen turned away from you. I just want to make sure everything is going good." Bad smiled and pulled out a chart from inside the desk drawer. He set it down and pointed to the 7 week old fetus on the timeline. "It doesn't even look like a baby yet either. I'm sure you'll do fine."

Skeppy looked at the chart, looking at each stage. His skin crawled at the idea of having a parasite in his body. "I...Feel sick."

Bad pushed over the trashcan, incase he actually threw up. "I've got one last bit of unfortunate news..." Bad clicked his pen nervously.

"What could it be now?" Skeppy leaned over the trashcan.

"You're going to have to stop taking your medications. None of your prescriptions are recommended during pregnancies. I mean...all of them. I can get you on a new prescription for your anxiety and iron deficiency. However..." Bad hoped Skeppy got the hint, and he wouldn't actually have to say it.

Skeppy looked down into the trashcan, throwing up as a stress response.

Bad cringed and stood up, patting his back gently. "I'm wouldn't be safe for your baby."

Skeppy sat up and took a couple tissues off Bad's desk to wipe his mouth. "I can't do it then..."

Bad nodded and sat on his chair. "We can schedule an abortion."

"I can't do that either." Skeppy held his stomach.

"Why not? There's nothing wrong with getting an abortion. Clearly you aren't feeling ready for a baby. It's okay." Bad didn't want him to feel guilty for doing what was best.

"But...that makes me a murderer...the baby doesn't deserve to die." Skeppy was raised religious and conservative.

"I promise it's not even a baby yet, I shouldn't of called it that." Bad switched his vocabulary. "The fetus is just a clump of cells right now, a parasite if you think about it. If you don't want to go through with this, that's fine. I'll help you find a safe place to get an abortion. Just say the word, and I'll be on it."

Skeppy thought about it, rubbing his stomach. "How is an abortion done?"

Bad sat back in his chair and tried to find a soft way to explain it. " depends on how fast we can get this in action. I'd like you to still get an ultrasound, so we can be certain how far you are. If you're 9 weeks or under, you can have your abortion at home. It's a simple two step process. First you'll take mifepristone which will stop your pregnancy from progressing. Then you'll take misoprostol which essentially will trigger something that simulates a miscarriage. You'll experience a lot of cramping, large blood clots, and heavy bleeding. Though it sounds traumatizing, I think it would be a more comfortable and less invasive option for you."

Skeppy shivered at the thought, but at least it wouldn't involve a doctor. "I can do that at home?"

"Yup, you can take ibuprofen 30 minutes before to keep the pain away. I'll prescribe you some antibiotics as well to prevent any infections." Bad truly cares about his patients, that's why he was so cautious. Most doctors wouldn't give the antibiotics. Most doctors in this hospital wouldn't even allow the pill abortion to happen.

Skeppy was relieved to know he wouldn't be in intense pain and suffering. "So after my ultrasound...we can plan the abortion?"

"If you're around 5-7 weeks like we predict than absolutely. As long as you're under 9 weeks, I can get that in order for you." Bad smiled and rubbed Skeppy's shoulder. "Do you have someone at home you trust?"

"For what?" Skeppy sat up defensively.

"Emotional support, and to take care of you. I would strongly recommend not doing it alone. You should have someone around to monitor and support you." Bad hoped Skeppy had someone at home to take care of him.

"Yeah, I've got my partner." Skeppy mumbled.

Bad hoped he had a partner, but for some reason it stung when Skeppy admitted it. "Oh..."

Skeppy raised a brow, wondering why the doctor was giving him a upset expression. "Didn't you say company is good?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Bad laughed it off. "Sorry, I'm just tired...I'll get everything set up for you. You'll get a phonecall about your upcoming appointment in a couple days. If they say you're under 9 weeks, you'll come see me after to get your prescription for the abortion."

"I didn't think this place offered any form of abortion?" Skeppy knew most of the staff were conservative Christians.

"We don't...but nothing is stopping me from prescribing you the pills. It's completely legal here, the hospital can just grow up and get over it." Bad smiled.

Skeppy's eyes widened slightly. He was pleasantly surprised. Bad was going against the hospital's morals to help him. "Can you get fired for this?"

"Nope, I'm not stupid...I'll get coworkers nagging me, but I can't get fired." Bad knew the scolding would be unbearable, but he'd deal with it.

"Okay thanks..." Skeppy knew he was about to face a hard time at home.

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