Where did you go?

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The next day Skeppy was making lunch for himself when he got an unexpected phonecall from Bad. It was strange for Bad to call when he was at work.

"Hey Bad, what's up?" Skeppy answered curiously.

"Skeppy..." Bad was using his devastated voice. Not the cute whiny one, the genuinely depressing one.

"What happened?" Skeppy put down the spoon he was holding.

"Skeppy, I went to see one of my patients..."


"They've been really sick for awhile now..." Bad sniffled. "She died today. When I was in her room. She...she asked me to hold her hand, It happened so fast..."

"Oh my God...that's terrible. Why didn't you do something to save her?" Skeppy didn't mean to sound insensitive.

"Skeppy! She was really sick, we tried everything we could. There was nothing left, and this was going to happen soon regardless...I just didn't expect to be there to witness it." Bad sighed and cleared his throat. "They are sending me home early..."

"Okay...Well I was making soup for me because that's what I was craving. There's plenty for you. When you get home, I'll run a warm bath for you too." Skeppy was learning how to be a caring partner. With Lee he never really got any care, so he never cared for others either. However since Bad was so loving, Skeppy picked up on the behavior. "We have cookies here too."

"Mmn okay...see you soon muffin. If I seem like I'm upset, I am. Just not at you. So don't think I'm mad at you or something." Bad clarified, knowing how emotional pregnancy could make a person.

"It's okay baby, see you soon."

"Bye..." Bad hung up.


After soup and a bath, Bad curled up on the couch with Skeppy and watched a movie with him. Even though he wasn't paying much attention to the plot or even the characters.

Skeppy played with Bad's hair and kept kissing his forehead. "You're so handsome."

Bad looked at Skeppy and rolled his eyes before nuzzling into Skeppy's shoulder. "You're just saying that because I'm sad."

"No, it's true! You're so handsome." Skeppy insisted.

"Thanks Skeppy, you're handsome too." Bad looked up and kissed Skeppy's lips. "How was work last night? Sorry I fell asleep before you got back."

"It's okay. Nothing really happened it was a boring night." Skeppy didn't have anything to share. Things were a little awkward with Ted, but that was about it.

"Well at least you didn't have another accident." Bad smiled at him.

"I almost did. I kept running to the bathroom." Skeppy joked and cuddled in closer to Bad.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Better, the cranberry juice you've been shoving in me is working." Skeppy laughed and put a hand over his stomach. "Lya wants to throw a baby shower for us."

"Oh?" Bad tilted his head. "Are you into that idea?"

"Yeah, I'm going to let them do it." Skeppy nodded and rubbed his belly. "You can invite your friends. Do they even know I'm pregnant?"

Bad laughed awkwardly and shrugged. "Do they know? Uh..."

"You haven't told them?!" Skeppy gasped.

"I was going to! I just didn't know how. It's really awkward to walk up to someone and tell them your partner was artificially inseminated." Bad argued, turning pink.

The Man You Are Now (Skephalo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now