why Is It So Cold?

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Bad sat in the staff room, trying to enjoy his break. Though he was having a hard time relaxing. He knew Skeppy's ultrasound was currently happening. He had to keep fighting against his urge to causally walk by the ultrasound room and peak through the door. He knew the technician, she was a middle-aged Christian woman. Very set in the Bible's words and values. He knew Skeppy wasn't having a pleasant experience, but she was the only ultrasound technician in the hospital.

A distraction came up, and he was thankful for that. One of the nurses he worked with came in, looking visibly upset. Bad being the kind person he was, he went to check on his co-worker.

"Hey Technoblade, what's got you looking so bothered?" Bad asked the nurse that usually had a blank and emotionless attitude.

Techno just shook his head, suggesting that he didn't want to talk. Techno had a high tolerance for trauma. Things didn't bother him, he was the kind of nurse that could sit with a dying patient without breaking down. Yet here he was, cracking under the pressure of the medical world.

"Oh come on...you can tell me. I'll probably hear about it from someone else anyway." Bad nudged him.

"I lost one of my patients today." Techno said simply, pushing his hair out of his face.

"Oh...I'm so sorry." Bad knew it wasn't like Techno to show emotions in front of people. If he had to cry over a patient, he'd usually get it out of his system at home. "Must of been scary...you don't look so well...can you...tell me which patient you lost?" Bad wanted to know if he was familiar with the patient.

Techno let out a shaky sigh and looked around the room. It was only them and one other person. "That 14 year old girl with Leukemia, today was supposed to be her last surgery...I guess it was, but she was supposed to wake up."

Bad bit his lip, trying not to cry. He had to get back to work in a few minutes. "I'm so, so sorry. That's terrible!"

Techno shrugged, trying to act like it wasn't killing him. "She was scared, kept telling me she didn't want to do it...told me she was going to die this time. I promised her she'd be fine and that I'd bring her ice cream as soon as she woke up..."

Bad had experienced similar situations so he understood how painful it could be. Even though he didn't know this patient. "Nothing in med school prepares you for this stuff...you did your best and she's not in pain anymore."

"Yeah...I'm gonna go outside for a walk." Technoblade announced before leaving the room again.

Bad sanitized his hands before leaving the staff room as well. He had a patient to see in 5 minutes. He started walking to the exam room, but ended up down a different hall. He pretended to be looking for someone, but he knew exactly where he was headed.

He made it to the ultrasound room, and stood outside the door. He couldn't hear anything, but clearly there was an appointment in session because the door was shut.  He checked the time, Skeppy's ultrasound should still be in progress.

Bad knocked on the door, unable to hold himself back.

The technician mumbled something before opening the door just a crack. "There's an appointment in progress, this is highly inappropriate."

Bad accidentally rolled his eyes but thankfully she didn't see it. "Sorry Diana, I was actually supposed to supervise this ultrasound but things came up...mind if I come in?"

"I don't remember hearing about that? We're almost done..." The ultrasound technician wasn't a fan of Bad.

"That's fine, I still need to supervise though." Bad sounded assertive, trying to be convincing.

"Alright..." The technician turned to Skeppy. "Are you okay if Dr. Halo sits in for the rest of your ultrasound?"

Bad didn't hear a response, but Skeppy must of nodded because the technician opened the door to let him in.

Skeppy looked relieved to see him. Which made Bad more pissed than happy. Clearly the technician hadn't been too kind.

"Hey, how's it all going?" Bad stood by Skeppy, but gave him space. He noticed the screen turned towards Skeppy.

Skeppy just shrugged.

The technician got the ultrasound wand and put it back on Skeppy's stomach.

Skeppy flinched. "Why's it got to be so cold!"

Bad cracked a small smile. "You're almost done, you won't be cold for much longer."

Skeppy sighed as the technician pushed the screen closer to him.

Bad looked at the screen, looking at the fetus. "How far along is he?" Skeppy was his patient, so he had a right to ask right now.

The technician looked at him like he was crazy. "She's 8 weeks."

Bad tried to play it off without upsetting Skeppy. "Oh HE'S 8 weeks along? Does everything look good?"

Skeppy didn't react because the technician had been transphobic since he entered the room.

The technician laughed ignorantly. "Everything's healthy." She moved the screen around so she could look. "It's crazy to think that's going to grow into a beautiful baby."

"Mn..." Bad didn't say anything about an abortion plan to her. "Is everything done?"

The technician started wiping off Skeppy's stomach, to get rid of the leftover gel from the ultrasound. "Well I'd like to do an internal ultrasound, but she's not very cooperative."

Bad could feel his face heating up. He never liked this woman but he felt like he might actually slap her today. "Oh, that's okay. He can say no to it if you wants. It's not absolutely necessary, it's just an extra precaution."

Skeppy sat up on the table. "Is it over?"

Bad looked at the technician, waiting for her response.

"An internal ultrasound won't take long. I can have it done in 5 minutes." The technician kept pushing.

Bad was disgusted by her desire to force the exam on Skeppy. Why would she want to do extra work that a patient didn't want or absolutely need? Bad thought it was some sick excuse to see Skeppy's genitals, so she could put her twisted transphobic mind at ease.

"If you don't think it's absolutely necessary, he doesn't need one." Bad stood up for Skeppy, since he didn't seem to be talking much.

"Alright..." The technician took off her gloves. "We're done here."

Skeppy got off the table and pulled his shirt back down. He looked at Bad. "I need to schedule another appointment with you, right?"

Bad nodded. "We'll squeeze you in as soon as possible." He promised.

Skeppy nodded.

Bad opened the door and let him out. "You can go to the front desk and schedule your next appointment with me. I'll have everything ready for you...if you still want to-" Bad couldn't discuss it in the hallway. That would be against the confidentiality rule.

Skeppy nodded. "I'm sticking to what I decided."

Bad smiled. "Sounds good, I'll see you again soon." He started walking down the hall, he was late to his appointment.

Skeppy walked to the front desk with a mix of emotions. He didn't understand why his doctor came down to the ultrasound room. He didn't mention that he was going to supervise. Though Skeppy was grateful that he showed up. If not he might of ended up being taken advantage of.

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