What Happenend?

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TW// Mentions of abuse and sexual assault.

Bad came home, tired after his long day at work. He went to open the door, but it was locked. He knocked on the door, confused as to why Skeppy would lock it.

When their was no answer, Bad checked under the doormat, the key was also missing. He called Skeppy in a panic.

"Hey Bad!" Skeppy did not sound okay.

"What's going on? I'm outside. Why's the door locked?" Bad complained.

"Lee happened...if I let you in, you need to promise not to freak out." Skeppy was breathing heavy.

"Okay...are you-" Bad was cut off by the door unlocking and opening. When he saw Skeppy, he dropped the takeout bag he had in his hand.

Skeppy was cut and bruised all over his face. Bad could tell by his body language, that he was injured in other places as well.

"What happened?! OH MY GOSH!" Bad pushed through the door and shut it frantically. "Did Lee do this? What happened?!" Bad's head spun as he pulled out his phone. "Do I need to call the police?!"

Skeppy started crying. He felt like Bad was mad at him. "Don't call the police! It's my fault!" Skeppy begged.

"How is it your fault?" Bad shook his head.

"He wanted me to meet him outside, and I kept refusing. He sent a nude picture of me to my FAMILY! I kept ignoring him, and he got angry!" Skeppy defended himself like he was the criminal. "I should of just went outside to talk to him!"

"Shh, shhh!" Bad pulled Skeppy in close and hugged him. "Take a deep breath. This isn't your fault. I'm going to call the police. Can you please tell them what happened? What did he do? Did he break in to the house?" Bad tried to stay calm to handle the situation.

Skeppy just whimpered and clung to Bad. "No police, don't call them." Skeppy trembled. In all honesty he didn't want to say what happened.

"Skeppy, what did he do?" Bad whispered while holding Skeppy close. "Can you at least tell me?"

Skeppy took a deep breath. "I'm scared...I thought he was going to kill me."

Bad teared up and squeezed Skeppy tightly. "I'm so sorry...you could of called me Skeppy, you could of called the police."

"I know, but I was stupid!" Skeppy cried.

"No, shh..." Bad kissed his cheek. "Do you need to see a doctor?"

"You are a doctor." Skeppy reminded Bad.

"Right...are you injured anywhere else?" Bad said, looking closely at Skeppy's face.

"I'm alright..." Skeppy tried to pretend it wasn't so serious.

"Skeppy...Do I need to take you to the hospital?" Bad asked sternly.

"No, it's not that serious...He just beat me up because he was mad, then he left." Skeppy insisted.

"Skeppy I want to believe you. I just find it very unlikely he broke in and didn't do more damage then what I'm seeing." Bad walked Skeppy to the couch and sat down with him. He noticed Lucy was in the corner shivering, she clearly saw it all happen. "Skeppy, I need you to tell me EVERYTHING."

Skeppy sobbed into Bad's shoulder before finally saying what he needed to. "They had sex with me..."

Bad stood up off the couch like he was lit on fire. He got his phone again and started calling the police. "WE'RE GETTING HIM ARRESTED!"

Skeppy started bawling his eyes out on the couch, thinking Bad was still angry at him.


After the police spoke to Bad and Skeppy, they went to arrest Lee. Since they had enough evidence to do so. Skeppy was relieved that Lee was being arrested, but he didn't think he would serve much time.

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