Are You Threatened?

445 40 57

TW// Abusive Relationship

It was a regular day's end. Bad finished all his tasks for the day, and was getting ready to clock out and go home. That's when his business phone starting ringing. He was going to ignore the number since it was past his working hours. However he couldn't when he saw who it was.

"Hey Skeppy, this is Dr.Halo. How can I help you?" Bad answered the phone while walking out of the building.

"I have questions." Skeppy said shyly. He felt strange calling his doctor like this.

"How long will this take? I just got off work. We can schedule a proper phonecall at a better time." Bad got into his car.

"It won't take long, just a couple quick questions." Skeppy replied frantically.

"Okay, go ahead." Bad was willing to take the time to help.

"Is it normal for me to be bleeding?" Skeppy wondered.

"Bleeding? Where?" Bad held his breath.

"Down there..." Skeppy kept it vague.

" much blood?" Bad sounded more serious now.

"Just a little bit, like barely any at all...I'm just nervous." Skeppy might not of been thrilled to have a baby, but he wanted to be a good father and do his best through the pregnancy.

Bad sighed in relief. "If you're not experiencing pain, don't worry about it. Dr. Reel was brutal on you. He probably ripped something slightly. You should be fine in a couple days."

"Oh, okay..." Skeppy was relieved to know it was nothing serious. "Um another thing. Can you make a house visit soon?"

"Uh...for what?" Bad put on his seatbelt.

"I have a...rash, I need you to look at it." Skeppy came up with a lie on the spot.

"You should be able to get some stuff for it at the drugstore. I don't really make house visits like that." Bad figured a rash wasn't a big deal.

"I really, REALLY need you to come look at it." Skeppy's voice quivered.

"It's a rash...I know it's probably itchy, but I can't just come to your house over a rash." Bad thought Skeppy was being ridiculous.

"Please, I really need you to come see how bad it is, please." Skeppy begged.

Bad was confused. People didn't typically beg a doctor to come visit them. "I can stop by on my way home and check it out. Are you at the same address?" He agreed because he knew there might be something bigger going on.

"Yes, thank you." Skeppy sounded hopeful.

"Okay, I will see you soon then."

"Bye..." Skeppy hung up.


Bad headed to Skeppy's address. He planned on stopping for only a minute. To look at the rash, say it was nothing, and go home.

Bad knocked on the door, not expecting someone new to open it. "Oh hello. I'm Dr. Halo, I'm here to see Skeppy. You are?"

"I'm Lee..." Lee introduced himself and looked back before opening the door wider. "Why are you here?"

"Skeppy called me." Bad walked on in. Trying not to be intimidated by the tall and muscular individual known as Lee.

"Oh..." Lee led Bad to the living room. Skeppy was sitting on the couch, he was wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. "Darling, the doctor is here."

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