Our Baby?

368 32 61

TW//Miscarriage/loss of baby

After Bad came out to Skeppy about his lack of sexual desire, things became a lot more lovey between them. Bad felt overjoyed to know Skeppy would still like him, even if they didn't get dirty together.

A few days had went by, and their relationship was rapidly progressing. Unfortunately there was just one thing that was causing tension.

"How am I supposed to write this?!" Skeppy complained, while sitting in front of Bad's computer.

"You've never written an email before?" Bad sighed, looking over Skeppy's shoulder.

"I have, but not in this context! How do you tell someone their baby died over email?" Skeppy whined while typing out "Lee," into the document.

"Well if you don't do it through email, you'll have to see him in person." Bad reminded Skeppy.

"No thanks..." Skeppy sighed and started typing out a respectful letter to his ex. No matter how bitter he was towards Lee, Lee deserved a thoughtful message. After all, this was Lee's baby too.

Bad looked away from the screen, but rubbed Skeppy's shoulders while he typed. He didn't want to invade privacy. Understandably Skeppy was writing a pretty sensitive and emotional letter. "Just remember, I'm here. I'll be here no matter what."

"Thanks..." Skeppy took a deep breath, getting emotional from the letter. "Do you think...this will be good enough?"

Bad looked back at the screen and read the letter since he had permission.


I know we don't talk anymore, and things aren't on good terms between us. I just wanted to tell you, I lost the baby. He had health complications from the very beginning. I was afraid to tell you sooner, but now I have no choice. He's gone, and I feel terrible. There's going to be a funeral. This weekend on Saturday. Let me know if you want a time, you're welcome to join us.


"Yeah, looks good. You typed that out pretty quick. I'm proud of you." Bad smiled.

"Yeah once I started typing, the emotions fueled me...Do I actually have to invite him to the funeral?" Skeppy pouted.

"It's the best thing in my opinion...but this is your decision." Bad kissed the top of Skeppy's head. "Let's go rest and watch some movies, you're still supposed to be taking things easy."

"Okay..." Skeppy sent the email and stood up. He stretched carefully and grabbed Bad's hand. "What am I supposed to do when you go back to work on Monday?"

"You'll be alright, little muffin." Bad walked to the couch and sat down with Skeppy. He got the blanket that was draped over the back and wrapped Skeppy up in it. "What am I gonna do at work without my little sweetie?"

"Die?" Skeppy laughed cutely and put his head on Bad's shoulder.

"I might." Bad joked in return and turned on the TV. "Puffy is coming by after work today. Just thought I'd mention it."

"Oh okay, any particular reason?" Skeppy asked, just curious.

"She has something for you." Bad smiled nervously. "I really hope you like it, I just hope it doesn't make you sad."

"Huh?" Skeppy tilted his head. How could a gift make him sad? "What is it?"

"You'll see, just be patient." Bad flipped through their movie options. "What movie do you want to watch?"

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