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Bad was nervous to leave Skeppy alone in his house the next day, but he had no choice. He didn't think Skeppy would steal from him, he was more scared that Skeppy would run back to Lee prematurely. Before Lee reconsidered his actions.

The workday went smoothly, how it would typically go. Bad worried and called Skeppy during his breaks, but Skeppy seemed to be doing fine. He told Bad he was chilling on the couch, watching movies. Hopefully nobody at the hospital would find out Bad was housing a patient.

During his last break of the day, Techno hunted Bad down to make a request. "Dr. Halo, are you free?"

Bad smiled to avoid looking stressed. He didn't want to accidentally rant about Skeppy's situation. "Hey, yeah. I've got a bit of time. What's up?"

Technoblade cleared his throat. "I know this is kind of sudden but, could you help me with a patient?"

Bad shrugged, he wasn't against taking on patients that technically weren't his problem. "Yeah? What's up?"

"There's a trans patient in the recovery ward. He's very agitated, and very uneasy about anyone doing anything. I told him I could get a doctor with experience treating trans patients, that seemed to ease him a're kinda the only accepting one here with that experience. I've never had a trans patient before surprisingly..." Techno explained. Techno was supportive but he didn't know the right things to do and say to keep them comfortable.

"I don't have much experience at all, but I'd love to help. What exactly do you need?" Bad was happy to help as long as it didn't interfere with his appointments.

"I just need you to check his stitches. He had his appendix removed. He does not want to let me or anyone else check the area. He even fought the anesthesiologist before they did the surgery." Techno told Bad just enough so he understood the situation.

"Alright, no problem. Come on." Bad let Techno lead him to the patient's room.

They got to the room and Bad put on a new pair of gloves. He walked in with an inviting smile. "Hello how are you both today?" He greeted the patient in the bed, and the man sitting in the chair beside him.

The man in the bed looked immediately unimpressed, and uncooperative. He didn't say anything, but at least the man in the chair smiled slightly.

"I'm Dr. Halo, what's your name?" Bad kept his distance from the bed for now.

The man on the bed reluctantly replied. "Tubbo."

"Nice to meet you, and who's this?" Bad asked about his friend in the chair.

"I'm Ranboo." The man in the chair answered.

"Love that name, sounds cool." Bad tried to get on their good side. "What's your pronouns?"

"He/him for the both of us." Ranboo replied. "But they/them is okay if you wanted to use that." He added.

"Okay cool, mine are he/him too." Bad pointed to Techno. "He also uses he/him."

Techno nodded in agreement. "Yup, but honestly you can refer to me as anything as long as it's not with bad intentions."

Tubbo felt a little more normal and comfortable in the room now. "Okay..."

"Would you mind if I had a look at your stitches? Just to make sure you're healing properly." Bad didn't want to make it sound like a demand, but he really needed to be checked.

"No, I don't want anyone touching me. I don't trust anybody, I'm sorry but fuck off." Tubbo sat up slightly in his bed, in a defensive position.

Ranboo gently pushed him back into a relaxed position. "Don't tear the stitches, then that's a bigger problem man. Come on."

The Man You Are Now (Skephalo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now