Am I Unattractive?

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TW//Mentions of sexual assault and mature conversations about sexual activity.

Bad and Skeppy had been trying for a baby for a week now. It was definitely trying with no succession. The only thing successfully tried was Skeppy's patience.

The light was low, the candles were lit. Skeppy even played slow romance songs in the background. He felt like he was a farmer trying to get an old bull to mate. He had never had to put all this effort in before.

As their movie ended, Skeppy did his normal routine. He leaned in close to Bad and nuzzled his neck. "It's over...want to...lay down?"

Bad knew what lay down really meant, because this was their sixth attempt. "Yeah..." The first couple attempts, they didn't even get to the making out part.

Skeppy graciously took that consent and pushed Bad over, laying down next to him. He wasted no time pulling Bad close and kissing him with all his love.

After a few minutes Skeppy definitely picked up the heat, and started getting a little carried away with his hands. Bad let out a yelp, and that's what made Skeppy pull away. "what's wrong?"

Bad was bright red. "Watch where you're putting your hands!"

"Sorry!" Skeppy apologized. He put his hands on Bad's shoulders to keep them in line. "I won't touch you with my hands. Are you okay if we keep going?"

"Uh..." Bad hesitated but nodded.

"I want verbal consent." Skeppy insisted.

"Yes, you can keep going." Bad agreed verbally.

Skeppy smiled and leaned back in to continue the kissing.

After building more tension Skeppy finally made another move and started lifting Bad's shirt.

Bad instantly started pushing Skeppy away. "Wait, stop!"

Skeppy stopped and sighed. "You want to kiss for a bit longer?"

"Yeah..." Bad nodded.

"Bad, are we actually going to do it this time? I feel like we're wasting time again. We can just go to bed." Skeppy sat up and stretched his arms out.

"I just don't feel like I can go through with it..." Bad admitted.

Skeppy got up and turned off the music. "What else can I do to make you more comfortable? I've literally done everything I could think of."

"I don't know..." Bad sat up and yawned. "Let's just go to bed."

Skeppy felt himself about to lose his composure, so he stormed off to the bathroom. The last thing he wanted to do was yell at Bad over this. He didn't want to become an abuser.

Skeppy sat on the bathroom counter and covered his face. He let out a couple frustrated grunts.

Bad knocked on the door. "Skeppy, are you okay?"

"Yes bad." Skeppy groaned.

"Did I upset you?" Bad asked nervously.

Skeppy hopped off the counter and opened the door. "I just don't understand."

Bad tilted his head.

"Am I that unattractive to you?" Skeppy questioned Bad. "I understand you don't care much for sex, but seriously? We've been trying all week and you back out every time. You literally can just lay there and I'll do the work."

"No- Skeppy, I think you're very handsome. I just can't help it! It just feels weird and uncomfortable. It makes me feel so dirty and wrong." Bad tried to explain his feelings so his lover wouldn't be mad.

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