Can I Name Him?

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Skeppy woke up with blurry vision. He felt like he was being reborn again, seeing the universe for the first time. Everything his eyes looked at seemed odd, distorted. In actuality Skeppy was waking up from anesthesia. He couldn't remember much from what happened before, he was just confused.

"He's up, he's opening his eyes." An unfamiliar but safe sounding voice said with a hint of relief.

Skeppy squinted his eyes and tried to move his head to see who was talking, but he couldn't. His whole body felt limp and weak.

"Be right there, still filling out this paper!" A very familiar and safe voice called out.

First Skeppy was met by a pink haired nurse standing over him. His long hair was pulled up into a neat ponytail, and his scrubs were white with little pigs on them. Definitely wasn't the kind of person Skeppy was expecting to see in this Christian based hospital. The very fact that this nurse was a man, was different.

Secondly, Bad stood over Skeppy. "Hey muffin, can you hear me?" He asked, not sure how aware Skeppy was of his surroundings yet.

Skeppy just let out a small whine, followed by a gasp and scream. It was terrifying to wake up in the hospital, barely remembering what happened.

Bad and Techno have both witnessed someone waking up from anesthesia before so they weren't too scared. Although Bad did panic a bit, having a relationship with Skeppy and all.

Techno checked Skeppy's vital signs on the monitor, seeing his heart racing way too fast. "You're safe, you're at the hospital." Techno spoke gently so he didn't upset his patient.

Skeppy felt someone gripping his hand and it took him a second to realize it was Bad. Skeppy hadn't formed any words yet, he just sobbed.

Techno kneeled beside the bed to seem smaller, less threatening. Nobody wanted a tall intimidating man standing over them after waking up confused. "Skeppy, can you squeeze Dr. Halo's hand to show me you can understand me?"

Bad felt a little squeeze in response. "He understands." He used his free hand to wipe Skeppy's eyes, but the tears kept coming.

"Skeppy, can you speak to us?" Techno asked quietly.

Skeppy let out a dramatic whine and mumbled, "My baby."

It was a good sign that Skeppy was starting to remember what led to this, but Bad wished he could just not remember any of it.

"What about it?" Techno knew what happened, but he was testing Skeppy. Seeing how much he was naturally remembering on his own.

Skeppy looked at Bad, noticing how red and swollen his eyes were. He knew he didn't need to ask. "My baby...h-he's gone."

Bad nipped Skeppy's hand harder, battling with himself to not let the waterworks happen again. "I'm so sorry..."

Techno stood again and backed up from the bed. "Should I step out so you can have a personal moment?"

Bad nodded reluctantly. "Just for a minute."

Techno walked out of the room and leaned on the wall. He couldn't hear them from the hallway, but he wished he could. Bad had frantically spilled his entire relationship status to Technoblade. Techno had to keep his lips locked if he wanted Bad to continue to be a doctor.

Bad sat on the very edge of the bed and carefully rubbed Skeppy's eyes. Then he caressed his cheek and neck. Trying to help him come back fully through physical stimulation. "I drove you you remember that?"

Skeppy nodded his head once.

"Do you remember what happened when we entered the hospital?" Bad massaged Skeppy's shoulder.

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