What's Wrong With My Baby?

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Skeppy officially hit five months pregnant. He still lived with Bad, and Lee still hadn't contacted him since he left. He expected things to be awkward after he and Bad confessed, but they weren't. If anything he felt even more comfortable with Bad.

"Wakey, wakey little muffin." Bad cooed as if he were talking to a baby. In reality he was trying to wake a grown man.

"Mn, no." Skeppy mumbled and buried his face even further into his pillow. There was no way Bad was getting him out of the comfort of his bed without a fight.

"Skeppy, come on. You have an appointment." Bad pulled the blankets off of Skeppy. He wasn't going to let Skeppy miss any important hospital visits.

"I don't want to go." Skeppy grabbed his blanket and pulled it back.

"I know, but it's to make sure your baby is good and healthy." Bad yanked Skeppy's blankets off again.

"Ah, stop taking my blanket!" Skeppy whined and fought with Bad to get it back. "I don't feel well, I don't want to have an exam today."

"I understand, but you can't just cancel. Today is the only day I'll be able to go with you. I'm not always going to be free when you need me." Bad ripped the blankets off the bed and turned on the lights. "Come on, you're lucky we got an appointment so early. If not you would of had to walk."

"Ugh but I still have to get a taxi home." Skeppy complained as he sat up.

"Well I'm sorry I can't just leave work to take you home. Be thankful I can take you to the appointment." Bad reached over and ruffled Skeppy's hair. "Don't forget to sort out that bird's nest you call hair."

"Hey!" Skeppy shielded his hair from Bad so he couldn't touch it again. "It looks nice when it's styled."

"It makes you look like a cockatiel." Bad giggled, but stopped when he realized Skeppy's glare. "I like cockatiels."

"Mhm..." Skeppy threw a pillow at Bad before pulling himself up. The first thing he did was clutch his stomach. "Oh my god! This thing is going to kill me."

Bad walked over and put an arm around Skeppy to balance him. "Are you feeling dizzy again?"

Skeppy nodded, taking a couple deep breaths to relax himself. "I can't wait for this thing to get out."

Bad helped Skeppy walk go the bathroom. He predicted the first thing Skeppy would need to do is pee. "Still feel like keeping them?" Bad asked jokingly.

"Yeah, I just want them to stop hurting me." Skeppy rolled his eyes. He went ahead and pulled down his pants so he could sit down on the toilet.

"Woah, wait until I'm out of the room!" Bad squealed and ran the other way to the door.

"Sorry, can't hold it..." When Skeppy had to go, he had to go. He had almost peed himself multiple times, but thankfully it hasn't happened yet.

"You could of warned me, or told me to close my eyes!" Bad shut the door and waited outside.

"You've already seen it, you've invaded that area with your stupid little doctor tools." Skeppy knew he had to stop being so strict with his privacy. There was going to be no such thing in the delivery room.

"Okay, but that's different! You still need privacy." Bad didn't want Skeppy to start degrading himself, by disregarding his right to privacy. "We call them private parts for a reason, you muffin."

"Dude! I'm literally getting an internal ultrasound today. There's nothing private about my parts today."

Bad growled quietly before leaning against the door. "So? Listen mister if you start disrespecting yourself, I'm going to need to sort you out."

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