Am I A Dumbass?

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Bad wasn't sure how, but Skeppy managed to convince him that the job was a good idea. Bad was thrilled to have Skeppy contribute financially, but he was scared. Scared that something would happen.

Skeppy was now one month pregnant, and getting ready for his first shift. "Does this uniform make me look cute?" Skeppy asked Bad, who was in the doorway.

Uniform reference?:

Bad leaned on the doorframe and sighed

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Bad leaned on the doorframe and sighed. "Yes, of course. You look so good...maybe a little too good, you shouldn't go."

Skeppy rolled his eyes. "Bad, do I look like a man?"

Bad slowly nodded, thrown off by the question.

"Then nobody is even going to pay attention to me. Maybe a couple drunk girls will flirt with me, but that's it. Let's be honest. It's usually our own kind, men, that are creepy. The men won't creep on me, it's not a gay bar." Skeppy explained while adjusting his uniform, then moving on to his hair.

"Well, I guess you have a point...but anyone can be creeps when they're drunk. Not just the men." Bad argued, he had a point.

"Bad, I need you to trust me. Please." Skeppy gave Bad a sad look.

Bad sighed and approached Skeppy to fix the collar of his shirt. "I'm trusting you. You better come back in one piece. Unharmed, and not drunk."

"Of course, you can trust me!" Skeppy pouted. "Are you going to stay up all night?"

"Yes. Are you crazy? It's your first night. I'm staying up until you get back safe." Bad was going to stay up until 3:00 AM because that was when the late night bar closed.

Skeppy sighed and kissed Bad on the lips. "I'll mostly be learning how to mix drinks, I won't even be interacting with customers that much yet." A car honked from the driveway. "Lya is here, don't stay awake ALL night." Skeppy ran out of the bathroom, eager to start his new job.


It was two hours into Skeppy's shift, and he was already overwhelmed. He was being taught how to make various drinks on the menu. His mind was spinning trying to remember everything. Without Lya's recommendation, he wouldn't of got the job. He wasn't the fastest at learning or making cocktails.

The man teaching him to make drinks was named Teddy. Everyone called him Ted. "Alright add the lime slices and that concludes the margarita." Ted instructed.

Skeppy added the lime and smiled at his work. It looked good, hopefully it tasted better. "Tell me how it tastes."

"Why won't you sample your own drinks? You're being trained, you need to know what tastes right." Ted crossed his arms.

"Um...I just have really bad taste in alcohol. I think a professional should sample it." Skeppy tried to come up with an excuse. He couldn't just say he was pregnant.

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