Why Are You Hurting Me?

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TW// Medical Mistreatment/ nonconsensual exam

"Hey Dr. Halo, what's got you looking so frantic?" Technoblade asked as he passed Bad in the hallway.

"Oh um...it's nothing." Bad paused to talk to him. "Can you call me after work?"

Technoblade gave Bad a puzzled glance. "Uh yup..."

"Thank you, I've got to get going." Bad walked past him, and made his way to the gynecologist office. He knocked on the door.

The gynecologist opened the door and smiled. "Ah, Dr. Halo. We've been waiting for you." He let Bad enter the room. "We were just discussing the exam."

"Sorry for the wait." Bad apologized and looked at Skeppy, frowning at how ghostly he looked. "Hey Skeppy, are you feeling ready?"

Skeppy just nodded. He had already changed into the hospital gown, and he was already feeling violated.

The gynecologist patted the bed that Skeppy was sitting on. "Lay down and put your feet in the stirrups for me."

Skeppy slowly laid down.

The gynecologist put a thin blanket over his bottom half. "Okay, legs up."

Skeppy looked towards Bad. He knew this was normal, but he struggled to do it.

Bad adjusted the stirrups. Thinking Skeppy might feel more comfortable if his legs weren't spread so far apart. "Here, this should be less invasive. He needs your legs elevated to make the exam easier." He spoke softly, trying not to sound like an authority.

Skeppy reluctantly slid both of his feet into the stirrups. He stared up at the ceiling, pulling all his strength together to try to keep himself from crying.

Bad stood close to the bed but turned away so he wouldn't accidentally see anything. He focused on Skeppy's face instead, so he would know when he had enough. "I hear it's only scary the first time. Once this exam is over, you'll start to wonder why you were so scared."

Skeppy glared at him. This was different. Skeppy wasn't some scared teenage girl getting her first gynecologist exam. He was a man, stuck in a room full of diagrams of female anatomy. Like the room itself was trying to drill it in his head that he was born a woman. Would always be a woman to most people.

Bad knew when the exam had started, because Skeppy flinched and somehow turned more pale in the face. "You're doing great, we just want to make sure everything's going good."

Skeppy covered his face, breathing heavy as he tried to keep himself in the moment. Yet, he was disconnecting fast. The only thing that jolted him back to reality was a moment of pain. "OW!"

Bad looked at the gynecologist. "Everything okay?"

"Don't be dramatic. I've hardly done anything." The gynecologist rolled his eyes and continued the examination.

Bad looked back at Skeppy, watching him squeeze his eyes shut in discomfort.

"No, no it actually hurts!" Skeppy insisted.

"Shhh, just relax." The gynecologist couldn't care less what Skeppy felt. He just wanted his paycheck.

Bad heard the click of a speculum and his life flashed before his eyes. Knowing that Skeppy didn't agree to one. "Woah, woah! Slow down!" Bad had to hold Skeppy on the bed so he didn't get up and hurt himself. "That wasn't in the care plan, remove it."

"It's part of the exam-" The gynecologist received a little shove from Bad.

"Remove it." Bad demanded as Skeppy cried and squirmed around on the bed.

The gynecologist complied and removed the speculum. "It's time for women to toughen up."

Bad let go of Skeppy and covered his lower half with the blanket again. "This is very inappropriate."

"Right, so let me do my job." The doctor rolled his eyes and put the speculum aside to be cleaned. "Let's finish this up the best we can then."

"I don't think so." Bad turned the bed away from the gynecologist. "He's crying." Bad helped Skeppy get his legs out of the stirrups. "It's over Skeppy. You can put your clothes back on."

"I need to finish-"

Bad shushed the gynecologist and took Skeppy's hand, helping him sit up. "It's finished, let's step out so he can change."

Bad practically forced the gynecologist out of the room with him.

"What's gotten into you? Dr. Halo you're being very unprofessional." The gynecologist turned it around on him.

"Me?! You have no respect for your patients. When I scheduled his appointment with you, I made it very clear. He didn't want you to do anything with the speculum." Bad crossed his arms.

"That's how I usually do the exam!"

"I don't care!"

Skeppy stepped out of the room after getting dressed. "Can I go?"

"Yes, go." The gynecologist reentered his office and slammed the door.

Bad turned to Skeppy. "I'm so sorry about that. I told him not to use any tools."

"It's okay..." Skeppy cleared his throat. "Are you sure you can't do the next one?"

Bad thought about it, deciding to throw all his common sense away. "Yes...I'll do all your pelvic exams going forward."

Skeppy sighed in relief. "He was rough..."

"I know, I'm sorry. Next time there will be no instruments of torture." Bad promised.

"Okay, I'm gonna go..." Skeppy walked down the hall, with a very subtle limp.


"And then he started crying, and it was horrible!" Bad ranted through the phone.

"That's messed up." Techno agreed. Bad had just told him about the whole gynecologist and Skeppy incident.

"I know! So do you understand why I need you to help deliver his baby?" Bad asked softly.

"Bad, I'm not a delivery nurse." Technoblade sighed.

"I know! But you could do it, couldn't you?" Bad knew Techno was skilled in almost everything. He could probably deliver a baby in the backseat of an old ford truck with nothing but a cloth.

"Well yeah, I could in theory." Techno agreed with confidence. "Look if it's that big of a deal, I'll think about it. Are you sure he's going to go through with a natural birth? I'd think someone like him would want a c-section."

"I thought that too, but he said he wants to deliver naturally. Well, with an epidural. I guess that's technically not natural by most standards." Bad avoided referring to it as vaginal birth, because that term would only upset Skeppy.

"Okay, if that's what he wants. To be fair having my gut cut open while I'm strapped down on a table...doesn't sound very pleasant to me either." Technoblade chuckled.

"Yeah, that's what he said. Said it sounded like medieval torture. He didn't want the scar either..." Bad laughed slightly. "He said it doesn't matter if he gets wrecked down there because he wants to do renovations there anyway."

"Pfft, that's one way to put it...you know Dr. Reel can probably get in trouble for violating his patient's boundaries." Techno mentioned.

"I know... I just don't want to rock the boat too much. I don't want people at the hospital to have more things against Skeppy. Even though he's the victim..." Bad paused. "You're going to keep what I told you confidential right? I shouldn't of told you Skeppy's business, but I'm really worried about him. I need you to be there to help me when he has the baby."

"I ain't telling anyone...I'll strongly consider it." Techno had to admit that he was a little nervous that he wouldn't be as good as a professional labor and delivery nurse.

"Thank you. He really needs trustworthy people that don't be total muffinheads to him." Bad was pissed, but still didn't curse.

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