Good Fiancé?

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W// Mature conversations about child birth

Bad woke up some time late in the night to Skeppy poking him in the ribs. "Mmn, wha? I'm sleeping..."

Skeppy kept jabbing him in the ribs. "Bad, I need you."


"Get up, I'm sick!" Skeppy cried.

Bad groaned and slowly sat up on the couch. "what's the matter?" He asked, his speech slurred.

"I feel really sick, and my head hurts, everything hurts." Skeppy whined and crawled onto the couch.

Bad opened his arms. "Mn, come here."

Skeppy crawled into Bad's arms and laid his head against his shoulder. "Why is pregnancy so painful? Everything hurts and everything makes me want to vomit..."

"I'm not sure..." Bad gripped Skeppy tightly. "You'll get through this, I'm going to be here through the whole thing."

Skeppy snuggled into Bad and closed his eyes. "You promise?"

"Of course I promise. You're my soulmate, Skeppy." Bad mumbled sleepily before pulling the blanket over the both of them. "Let's rest here together for a bit."

Skeppy laid down, and Bad followed him. "I love you, you better never leave me."

"Don't be a muffin, why would I leave?" Bad wrapped his arms around Skeppy. "Get some sleep, you'll feel better."

Skeppy nestled into Bad's side and started falling asleep.


The next morning Skeppy woke up to Bad singing and rubbing his back.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know~ oh- you're awake." Bad paused his singing and pushed some of Skeppy's messy hair out of his face. "How you feeling, muffin?"

"Achy...massive headache." Skeppy complained and sat up slowly. "Mmn...dizzy and vomity-" he added.

Bad brought a trashcan to the couch incase Skeppy needed it. "Maybe you need another ultrasound."

"No, no more tests. I just want to lay in bed." Skeppy rubbed his forehead.

"Honey, I'm scared...I don't like that you're feeling so sick. Maybe this is an ectopic pregnancy and we somehow missed it." Bad's mind went to one of the worst outcomes.

"Bad, my baby wouldn't of made it this far if that was the case. Plus I'd be in much more pain. Have you considered that I'm just unwell? It's just pregnancy and stress, you need to stop worrying. All I need you to do, is give me love and care." Skeppy yanked Bad onto the couch and hugged him. Bad of course made sure to be mindful of the baby between them as he hugged Skeppy.

"Okay...whatever you need, let me know." Bad rubbed Skeppy's sides lovingly.

"Well right know what would make me feel better?" Skeppy smiled weakly.

"What's that?"

"Baby shopping." Skeppy rested a hand on his belly.

"Baby shopping? You're too sick to leave the house." Bad shook his head.

"We can shop online." Skeppy rubbed his belly.

"I guess, what did you want to buy?" Bad got his laptop before sitting down next to Skeppy again.

"Baby blankets..." Skeppy said first, then thought about it some more. "Let's order some diapers and baby wipes too."

"Lya gifted us like 10 boxes of diapers and wipes at the baby shower." Bad tilted his head.

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