Am I Pregnant Again?

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TW// Mentions of transphobia, Homophobia, sexual assault, adult humor.

Bad woke up from a well deserved sleep, rubbing his eyes gently. He stretched and rolled over to look at Skeppy. Skeppy was up, on his phone. "Did you sleep much, darling?" He asked tiredly.

Skeppy nodded. "I slept a few you feel better now?"

"Yeah, I do." Bad sat up slowly. "are you texting someone?"

"Oh, um...I'm talking to someone on Instagram, that's all. They saw one of my posts about being trans, and wanted to chat about it." Skeppy explained.

"Oh, okay..." Bad felt anxious, but let Skeppy be his own person. He stood up and went off to the bathroom.

Skeppy went back to chatting with his friend, feeling a bit better.


Lya: So do you live alone?

Skeppy: No, I live with my boyfriend. How about you?

Lya: I live with my boyfriend too! :)

Skeppy: Cool.

Lya: Me and my boyfriend are actually in the process of trying for a baby, it's been difficult. I've always presented as more feminine, and now it's so hard to get people to take me seriously as non-binary.

Skeppy: Really?? I actually plan on having a baby soon too! Whenever I can get my asexual boyfriend to give me a baby.

Lya: Your boyfriend is asexual? That's interesting. That means you guys don't 👉👌?

Skeppy: I've never even seen him shirtless.

Lya: Oh god, I could never do that.

Skeppy: Yeah, it can be annoying...sometimes I worry if our relationship will work. I tend to go through hypersexual phases.

Lya: That must be difficult. :( I'm sure you guys will work it out!

Skeppy: I hope so, I really love him. Plus, I have hands. He's a lot more important to me than an orgasm.

Lya: Oh my god 😂 you have no filter!

Skeppy: It's true, he's my angel. 🥺

Lya: 🥺 Aww!

Skeppy: He's calling me to eat now, I better go.

Lya: Eat what? 🍆😳


Lya: 🥴 Up my ass.

Skeppy: 👁️👄👁️

Lya: 🤣 I love you already, we're gonna be besties. You go eat before your boyfriend spanks you.

Skeppy: I wish... 😩

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