Why Can't I Eat Them All?

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((I feel like I've been focusing too much on this story...and I'm sorry for that. I ain't feeling great, and this story is kinda helping me cope. Thanks for your patience if you're reading this while waiting for me to update something else.))

TW//Mention of suicide

Skeppy had been staying with Bad for a little while now, he was officially 4 months pregnant. He was surprised he made it this far without taking a bath with a toaster. Though if Bad wasn't involved, he probably wouldn't of made it to this point. Bad was a champion, tending on his patients all day and then continuing to take care of Skeppy. No matter how difficult Skeppy made it, now that he was comfortable being himself around Bad.

It was about time for Bad to come home from work, so Skeppy sat by the window and looked out. He usually waited for Bad to come home like this, because Bad always brought home whatever he was craving. Today, it was cookies.

When Bad pulled into the driveway, both Skeppy and Rat ran to the door excitedly. Rat was barking, while Skeppy was bouncing up and down in place, his mouth already watering.

Bad opened the door and stepped in with a bag in his hand. "Awe, hello my little baby." Bad put the bag down and picked up Rat.

Skeppy huffed and held out his hands. "What about me?! I'm here too!"

Bad rolled his eyes playfully and handed Skeppy the bag of cookies from the local bakery. "Here you go you little muffinhead. I hope you actually ate some healthy meals today."

"I did, I did." Skeppy went to the kitchen and sat down. By the time Bad got to him, he was already on his second cookie.

"Slow down Skeppy, you can't eat it all at once." Bad warned, still holding Rat.

Skeppy put his cookie down and looked at Bad with sad eyes. Somehow his pregnant mindset took that as a horrible insult. He was somehow so sad that Bad told him he couldn't eat it all at once. "Why can't I? I really like them..." Skeppy sniffled.

"Because- you'll get a bad stomach and you'll be in pain all night." Bad sighed, this wasn't a new occurrence. He managed to make Skeppy cry three times this week for little things like this.

"So?! I make my own choices!" Skeppy stood up and went to the couch, he didn't have a room to retreat to. He grabbed his blanket that was still on the couch and wrapped himself up.

"Skeppy, calm down. I'm just worried about you." Bad sighed and put down his dog. "Come on, pick out something healthy for me to make you for dinner."

"No, not hungry." Skeppy mumbled from inside his blanket cocoon. He stayed in his blanket, more upset when Bad stopped talking to him. He poked his head out of the blanket and rubbed his face. "Bad, why'd you stop talking to me?" He whined.

Bad laughed and walked into the living room. "I thought you were mad?"

"Not mad, just sad." Skeppy cleared his throat.

"Why sad?" Bad walked over and sat on the couch next to the pregnant man.

"I want to eat all the tasty things right now." Skeppy was borderline acting like a child, but Bad was okay dealing with it.

"I understand...but I don't want you to have an upset stomach. So how about we eat something nutritious, and then you have all the tasty things?" Bad compromised.

Skeppy nodded. "Fine, what are you making me?" He was still being a bit whiny in his tone.

"What would you like?" Bad gave him the option to choose.

The Man You Are Now (Skephalo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now