Can You Do It?

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It had been 2 months since Bad started seeing his first trans patient. It had been a long 2 months, but it was finally paying off.

Bad straightened up his stethoscope before walking into his exam room. "Morning Skeppy, long time no see." He said jokingly. Skeppy had an appointment just two weeks ago.

"Hey..." Skeppy was familiar and comfortable with his doctor, but he wasn't feeling the best today.

"How's everything going?" Bad started with a simple question as he logged into the computer.

"I've been pretty miserable the last couple days. I threw up on the drive here." Skeppy admitted.

"Aw that's terrible." Bad pouted. "I hope you weren't driving."

"I wasn't..." Skeppy lied and cleared his throat. "So I guess this is just a typical check up?"

"Yeah..." Bad knew he'd have to bring up something stressful, but he'd save it for the end of the exam.

Skeppy nodded and sat still as Bad checked his heart rate and blood pressure. "I'm doing good with my prenatal vitamins and my diet." He sounded like he was bragging to impress Bad.

Bad laughed softly. "That's amazing Skeppy. Keep eating healthy, but don't be afraid to give in to your cravings. Life is too short to deny yourself yummy treats."

Skeppy laughed awkwardly too. "Is it normal to crave REALLY weird stuff?"

"Yeah, I've heard a lot of strange things. Had a patient once that kept craving the taste of cherry cough syrup." Bad told him a story, but left out any personal information about the patient.

"Oh...I went down to my kitchen last night and ate two spoonfuls of mayonnaise... I don't even like mayonnaise." Skeppy said seriously, but ended up making his doctor chuckle.

"I've heard that one before actually." Bad pulled the blood pressure band off Skeppy's arm. "Are you experiencing any new symptoms?"

"Uh...just more aches and pains. Mostly in my legs and chest area." Skeppy wasn't paying too much attention to his symptoms. He was feeling disconnected from his body.

"Alright, would you like to see a diagram of what your baby looks like at this stage?" Bad didn't want to show Skeppy anything that could potentially trigger him. Though eventually he'd have to come to terms with it.

"No..." Skeppy denied his offer.

Bad didn't ask any questions, he just moved on. "Can you lay down on the table for me?"

Skeppy got up on the table and laid back. He was used to this, because Bad did it every time. He pulled up his jacket to give Bad better results, but didn't raise his shirt at all.

Bad stood beside the table and carefully put a hand on Skeppy's stomach. "Just take deep breaths." He reminded him. Bad applied pressure to different areas around Skeppy's stomach and abdomen. He couldn't help but notice how Skeppy was showing more now. It wasn't extremely noticeable when he had his jacket covering his stomach. Even with the jacket off you really had to be looking for it to notice the subtle bump.

Skeppy looked down while Bad was pushing around. "What's the point of this?"

"Well if you yelp in pain, I know there's probably something wrong." Bad responded with a hint of comedy.

Skeppy whined. "You're just poking around trying to make me yelp?!"

"I don't want to hurt you Skeppy, I'm just making sure all is well." Bad patted the table. "I'm done, you can sit up now."

Skeppy moved upright and crossed his legs. "Is it normal for me to pee like a million times a day?"

"Unfortunately that's very common." Bad sat back at his desk and wrote something down on his clipboard.

"I've also been wanting my partner a lot that normal?" Skeppy wondered hesitantly.

"You love your partner more? Hormones are all over the place. It's normal to feel stronger emotions, as well as mood swings." Bad smiled, thinking Skeppy was in love. He was happy for him.

"No like...I want to do nasty stuff more often." Skeppy suppressed his grin.

Bad looked up from his clipboard, embarrassed and slightly pink.

That's when Skeppy lost it and started laughing. "I'm sorry, I just had to mess with you!"

Bad let out a small playful growl. "You're one heck of a muffin. But yes, frequent sexual desire is normal."

Skeppy only laughed more after hearing him actually answer. "Good to know!"

Bad let out a smile. He was happy to see Skeppy cheering up. Even if it was from messing with him. "Can we continue?"

"Sure..." Skeppy composed himself.

"I'd like you to get your first pelvic exam in a couple days. I can have you squeezed in an Wednesday." Bad decided to bring it up while Skeppy was in a better state of mind.

Skeppy went serious instantly. "Can you do it?"

Bad shook his head slowly. "I'd prefer you go to someone who specializes in female reproductive health."

"FEMALE reproductive health?" Skeppy called him out.

"Oh snap, I'm sorry." Bad felt guilty right away. "It's usually what I refer to it as. I should of just said reproductive health."

Skeppy sighed. "But you can do it right?"

"Technically yes, but I'd like you to start becoming comfortable with other healthcare providers. I can monitor the exam, but I don't think I should perform it. You're going to need multiple pelvic exams, and I'd like you to get at least one internal ultrasound." Bad needed Skeppy to let other professionals handle his care plan. Sure Bad would keep an eye on things, but he wasn't able to do everything that needed to be done.

"I only trust you..." Skeppy reinforced his opinion.

"I know that, but like I said you need to start coming out of your comfort zone. I will need assistance during your delivery. Sooner or later things have to get a little more invasive, and I'm so sorry about that." Bad hated how humiliating and uncomfortable some medical practices could be. Yet, there was nothing no one could do about it at this point in time.

Skeppy knew that losing a bit of dignity was part of having a baby. Even for cis women. He sighed. "Okay I'll do the exam. Just promise you'll be there to monitor everything they do."

Bad smiled, feeling successful. "Of course, I'll do my best to keep the exam as comfortable as possible."

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