How Is That Possible?

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After the ultrasound exams, Skeppy went into a private room with his doctor. To discuss what was found.

Bad reached into his coat pocket and pulled out an icepack. "Here, I got this for you."

Skeppy snatched the icepack and used it to soothe the pain in his lower region. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong with my baby? I did not suffer through that torture for nothing."

"Of course..." Bad wasn't actually ready to discuss it. He had a personal connection with Skeppy, it made it so much harder to deliver unfortunate news. "Here, I got this too." Bad handed him a sanitary pad. "Are you still experiencing pain?"

"Bad, yes. It was so painful it made me want to rip my hair out but, I did it so you could tell me exactly what's wrong with my baby...SO WHAT'S WRONG?" Skeppy wasn't happy that Bad was trying to sugarcoat and procrastinate the bad news.

"Right, yeah..." Bad took a seat in his chair. "I just want to start by saying, you don't have to panic. This condition may sound scary. I assure you though, there's a high survival rate. Your baby can still live a normal healthy life...after surgery."

"Surgery for what?" Skeppy's heart broke for the baby he never wanted. Regardless of how upset Skeppy was to be pregnant, he wanted nothing but happiness for his child.

"Your baby has a condition called Gastroschisis." Bad knew that would sound like gibberish to Skeppy, so he clarified. "it's a birth defect where there is a hole in the abdominal wall beside the belly button. The baby's intestines, and sometimes other organs, are found outside of the baby's body, exiting through the hole..."

Skeppy's jaw dropped, he had no idea that was even possible. "How- how is that even possible?! Nobody told me that was possible!"

Bad stood up and held Skeppy's hand to comfort him. "It's rare, this doesn't happen often. I've honestly only seen it one other time, and that was when I was still training."

"Well how do you know they can fix it?!" Skeppy squeezed Bad's hand. It was a bit awkward since he was using his other hand to ice his crotch. "I'm not a doctor but it doesn't sound easy to put a baby's organs back in!"

"It can definitely be done Skeppy, there's a 90% survival rate for babies born with their organs protruding out of their body." Bad knew it sounded impossible, he thought it was impossible the first time he heard about it.

"What the fuck..." Skeppy put down the icepack and held his stomach. "Well...does that change anything?"

"You might need to have a c-section..." Bad braced himself for shouting.

"What?!" Skeppy wanted to hear anything but that. "Oh great. Now I get to be cut open and gutted like a fish."

"You'll do fine, I'll be there regardless of how the baby comes out." Bad let go of Skeppy's hand. "I need to get ready to see other patients...I'll see you at home, okay?" He hated to send Skeppy off on his own after that news, but he had to work.


When Bad got home he was greeted by Rat, but not Skeppy. He wasn't too worried, he expected Skeppy would be in bed due to the exam.

Bad put his things down on the table, as well as a bag of goods for Skeppy. Then he made his way to the bedroom to check on his patient. As suspected, Skeppy was under the blankets sulking. "I'm home, how are you doing little muffin?"

Skeppy gripped the blanket tighter, suggesting he didn't want to talk. He wasn't mad at Bad, he just didn't want an interaction.

"I brought some snacks for you...I'll be out in the living room, okay? Come join me if you feel up to it." Bad told him gently before going to the living room to relax. He should of got something to eat, but he didn't have much of an appetite. Finding out that Skeppy's baby had complications, made him feel like his baby had complications. Even though the baby was the furthest thing from his. He definitely didn't make the baby, he wasn't even Skeppy's boyfriend.

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