Want To Stay With Me?

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After Skeppy talked to the police, the police did arrest Lee and take him down to the station. Though Bad could tell by the look on their faces that they were just doing it to get out of the situation.

Bad watched Skeppy as he paced around outside the house, watching the police leave.

Bad got out of his car and approached Skeppy. "Is everything under control?"

Skeppy shrugged. "I guess...you can go now."

"Are you sure?" Bad didn't want to leave Skeppy alone and in distress.

"Yeah, I'll be alright...thanks for showing up." Skeppy didn't want to keep Bad there for any longer. He felt like he didn't deserve the help.

"Um okay...do you need a ride to a friend's house?" Bad assumed Skeppy wouldn't feel safe staying there. Bad knew the house was Lee's, because his name was on the mailbox.

Skeppy thought about it. "I don't really have anyone to stay with..."

Bad wished he wasn't a doctor in that moment. He couldn't just take his patient home with him. That would be seen as an inappropriate relationship. Then again, Bad wasn't following most of his rules. "Do you want to come to my house until you find somewhere to go?"

Skeppy stared at Bad, in amazement. He never expected these kind gestures from his doctor. "You've already done so much for me..."

Bad shook his head. "No, no. Go get anything you need. You can stay with me until you figure out where to go."

"Are you sure?" Skeppy double-checked.

"Yes, I wouldn't be able to sleep if I left you here fearing for your baby." Bad knew Lee would probably get released. He wanted to make sure Skeppy would be safe if that happened.

"Okay, I'll be quick." Skeppy rushed inside, wondering if this was a good idea. It definitely sounded like a more pleasant place to be. He'd have someone that actually wanted to take care of him, and not just use him.

Bad waited outside, unable to believe that he was about to let a patient stay in his house. He knew it was just a kind gesture, but it almost felt like more than that.

Skeppy came out with a medium sized backpack. "Are you sure this is okay?"

"Absolutely." Bad took Skeppy's things and put them in the car. "I'd take you to a shelter but the only domestic violence survivor shelters here are for women."

Skeppy slowly got back in the car. "I will try to be out within 24 hours. I don't want you to get in trouble."

"No rush." Bad said as he got in and started the car. "I live alone so I could use the company."

Skeppy put on his seatbelt. "I could use the company too. Lee is more like an aggressive houseplant."

Bad didn't know what that meant, so he just nodded. "I'm sorry...are you sure he didn't hurt you?"

"I would know if he hit me." Skeppy replied sarcastically.

"Right..." Bad pulled out of the driveway.


They arrived outside of Bad's house, Skeppy took it all in. It wasn't as fancy as he expected considering Bad was a doctor, but it looked so cozy and inviting.

 It wasn't as fancy as he expected considering Bad was a doctor, but it looked so cozy and inviting

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