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A/N: Hollow Mind was a fairly dark episode, so here's some pure fluff to make up for it. Enjoy!

Amity sat at her desk at home with an assignment in front of her, hoping to get some decent work done. She tried her best to concentrate on the calculations of ingredients for abominations, but despite her best efforts, she couldn't focus. Her thoughts kept drifting back to deep brown eyes, a melodic laugh, tousled brown hair and a bright, caring smile.

Amity buried her warm face in her hands, groaning in exasperation. Lately it seemed like Luz was constantly on her mind, no matter how much she tried to shoo thoughts of her away. At this point she was thinking about her almost 24/7, and it was becoming a bit of a problem. She had a hard time getting work done and became a stuttering, blushing mess whenever she was near her. It was a miracle at this point that Luz hadn't connected the dots or even noticed anything was up.

She's so oblivious, Amity thought. It would be cute if it weren't so infuriating.

Thoughts of the human girl were always bittersweet. Obviously, they distracted her and flustered her when she could be working on something important. They were also really annoying, intruding her mind endlessly.

But at the same time, they were so sweet and pure that Amity almost didn't mind everything else. Almost. Yes, they still attacked her relentlessly, and yes, they kept her from getting homework done. But it was also Luz, and thinking about her (or being with her) never got boring. She liked the swoony, fluttery feeling she got whenever she daydreamed about her crush. It made her feel free and blissful, like she could do anything if she had Luz by her side.

She crossed her arms on the desk and lay her head on them, sighing dreamily like a lovesick middle school girl as she let her mind wander back to the girl who had changed her life in the best way possible.

•    •    •

At the Owl House, Luz was facing a similar situation. She absentmindedly drew light glyphs and activated them while her mind was occupied with her crush. Short mint green hair in an elegant half-ponytail, glittering golden eyes, and a precious smile that lit up the room.

She sighed, resting her face in a propped-up hand and smushing her cheek in the process. Her crush on Amity had developed slowly, but over time it grew, and now it was extreme. She couldn't believe that she had ever thought of her as a bully. Now, she was anything but. She was always super sweet and helpful, and stood up against Boscha when she picked on her friends.

Luz knew that, logically, Amity probably didn't like her back. She'd experienced a few crushes back in the human realm, and none of them felt the same way about her. Plus, Amity's face got red whenever she was around Luz, which her siblings said meant she was angry.

Still, she couldn't stop herself from daydreaming about what would happen if Amity, by some miracle, did like her back. Would they become girlfriends? Read Azura books together, cuddling? Go on romantic dates? Hold hands in the hallways?

Luz rolled over onto her mattress face-down, very aware that her face was becoming the colour of a strawberry. She wanted that with Amity. She wanted to be her girlfriend and not have to hold back on her thoughts and feelings about her. Fear was the only thing that stopped her. Well, fear and the fact that even the mere thought of them being a couple made her heart speed up and her cheeks turn red.

She huffed and turned her head to the side, looking at Good Witch Azura book 5, the one where Hecate and Azura finally asked each other out and became canon girlfriends.

Maybe I'll find my happily ever after, too.

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