Freckles (Human AU)

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Luz's POV

The first time I met Amity Blight, the things that stood out to me most were her freckles.

They were quite prominent on her pale skin, like tiny, colorful flowers blooming in a field of green, and equally as beautiful. They were scattered all over the bridge of her nose, her face, and even her arms. They were cute. People with freckles were always cute.

I saw her briefly in some of my classes, but we never really talked to each other. I always wondered about her, though, and what would happen if I actually did talk to her. Would she ignore me? Or give me one of her sweet smiles and reply?

I think it's fair to say that I had a tiny crush on her, even before we met. But my little bi heart was always too nervous to actually go through with it.

Until one fateful day that changed both of our lives forever.

It was the second week of ninth grade. I had been away on vacation for the first week, so it was my first day back, and I was super nervous. Would I make any friends? Would I be able to keep up with projects and homework?

In previous years, my mom had been able to drive me to school, but this year she couldn't. She was working earlier hours, so I would have to take the train instead.

I'd taken it before, so it wasn't a big deal. I got on the train, and as I was looking for a place to sit down, there she was. Amity Blight, with earbuds in her ears, staring listlessly out the window. She looked like she took Transit regularly, which she probably did.

I looked around before deciding to sit down next to her. She swiveled her head towards me, her light brown eyes scanning my face, offered me a small smile, and turned her head back towards the window.

I bit my lip, feeling awkward, and pulled out a book to pass the time.

The next day she was there again, and the next, and the next. I was almost convinced that I was hallucinating, that one day Amity would disappear, but she never did. I didn't always sit or stand next to her, but whenever there were no other good spots, I did. She always had her earbuds in, though, so I didn't bother her.

One day, I entered the train to see Amity, as usual, but this time she didn't have her earbuds in. She had a book open instead.

I sat beside her, since I didn't feel like standing up for the whole ride. Her head turned, and as always, she offered me a small smile. I smiled back, and her focus returned to her book.

I was curious what she was reading, and when I saw the familiar illustrations and characters, I gasped. Amity's head shot towards me.

"What?" she asked. "Is something wrong?"

I just shook my head, trying to contain my glee. "I didn't know you read Azura!"

She stiffened a bit, seeming to get more defensive. "Why, do you think it's stupid? It's a little childish, I know, but-"

I laughed, cutting her off. "Are you kidding? The Good Witch Azura is my favourite series OF ALL TIME. I've been a huge fan ever since I was a kid!"

She relaxed a little. "Really?"

I nodded.

She grinned, seeming to soften. "Wow. I've never met another fan before."

"Me neither!" I beamed at her, ecstatic. "Who's your favourite character? What are your thoughts on the possessed Azura theory? Do you ship Azurate!?"

Amity laughed. "Okay, okay. I'd say my favourite character is Ceridwen. Her character arc was fascinating to read and she's just a cool person in general. The possessed Azura theory is interesting, but I'm a little skeptical about it. I think it's more likely she'll just have to battle the villain outright. And yes, I totally ship Hecate and Azura, but I call them Hecazura instead of Azurate. What about you?"

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