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Luz loved being a matchmaker.

She would help her friends get closer with people who they wanted to get to know better, whether in a romantic or platonic sense.

She'd done it with Gus and his crush Skara. She'd been taken by surprise when she learned that he liked her, but she'd been supportive nonetheless. She had cooked up a little scheme, and they'd gotten together. They turned out to be a really cute couple.

Luz had done the same thing with Willow and Amity (although it was a little more out of her control and chaotic than with Gus).

So why, then, was she having so much trouble with her own crush?

She could whip up plots, schemes, and shenanigans like nobody's business, but whenever she was around Amity, all of those creative matchmaking skills vanished. She could barely even be near her without blushing, much less find a way to actually ask her out. The mere thought of it seemed terrifying.

For once in her life, Luz Noceda couldn't think of any plans or setups.

How could she, when she didn't even know if it would work? With her friends, it had been blatantly obvious that both people wanted to get closer to each other again. But as the person who was crushing, she genuinely couldn't tell whether or not her feelings were requited. Amity was cool around her, like always, and nice to her too. But she was nice to everyone, wasn't she? And didn't she always act cool, even when they hated each other?

Jeez. Now Luz could see why people were so stressed and worried about asking their crushes out—she had no idea how Amity would react. Would she beam and say that she liked her too? Would she wince and apologize for not feeling the same? Or would she give her a disgusted look and tell her that she didn't want to be friends with some weirdo who liked her?

Luz knew, quite clearly, which one she wanted to be true. But which one would actually become a reality if she gained enough courage to actually ask her out? She couldn't help but fear the last option coming true.

Amity wouldn't do that, she thought. But then again, would she? What if she was only pretending to be Luz's friend and she never really liked her at all and if she confessed, Amity would laugh in her face and tell her how weird and ugly and stupid she was and-

Luz took a deep breath. She needed to calm herself down before she started flat-out panicking.

"I need to come up with a plan," she murmured to herself. "But what should I do? Should I make sure she feels the same way before I try anything, just in case?"

She nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. But how do I make sure she likes me back? I don't want to jump to conclusions, I need to be sure."

Immediately an idea popped into her head. "I know who might be able to help."

• • •

"Willow? Gus? Can I, uh...ask you guys something?" Luz asked them at lunch.

Willow tilted her head at her friend with a smile. "Sure, Luz. What is it?"

Luz felt her face heating up, trying to figure out how to word her question. "Um...I have a crush on Amity," she said in a rush. "And I wanted to ask her out, but I don't know if she likes me back, so I was wondering if you guys knew?"

Both of her friends had grins on their faces now. "Oh yeah, don't worry, Luz," Gus assured her. "She totally likes you back."

Willow nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Amity definitely has a crush on you. Trust me."

Even more blood rushed to Luz's face. Does that mean I actually have a chance? Me, Luz Noceda, out of all people? Amity likes me?

"You guys aren't just trying to make me feel better, are you?" she asked warily. She'd learned years ago not to get her hopes up when it came to crushes. The thought that the girl she liked actually returned her feelings was foreign to her.

"Of course not!" Willow said.

"Luz, that girl looks at you like you're her entire world," Gus piped up, as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe. "We wouldn't lie to you about this."

The human girl put her chin in her hands, her elbows on the table. "Wow," she said faintly. Her eyes were dreamy, full of joy. If what Willow and Gus told her was true, Amity really did like her back. Maybe they could even become girlfriends!

A smile grew on her face that she couldn't squash down, no matter how hard she tried. She gave her best friends a sincere, grateful look.

"Thank you guys," she said. "You're the best."

"Of course, Luz!" Willow replied. "Let us know how it goes with her, huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.

"Yeah, make sure to tell us when you guys start dating," Gus remarked offhandedly, flustering Luz.

"Wha- guys! I don't even know if she wants that yet!" she protested, her cheeks pink.

"Uh-huh," Gus said, unaffected.

Luz buried her face in her hands and thought, If they're this determined that she likes me back...maybe I do have a chance.

She thought about it while she was in class for the rest of the day, planning out how she was going to confess. After building up her courage and telling Eda she'd be home late, Luz walked over to Blight Mansion, rang the doorbell, and waited in tense anticipation, flower and note in hand.

It was time for the matchmaker to make a move of her own.

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