No homo, but that's the day I fell in love with you

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Luz threaded her fingers through her girlfriend's silky lilac hair, an unfocused look in her eyes. Amity was laying with her head in Luz's lap, softly purring (something that Luz had learned about a couple of weeks ago, and still found absolutely adorable).

"Snail for your thoughts?" Amity inquired, her voice quiet.

Luz grinned, looking down into her eyes. "Oh, I was just thinking about the time I saw you with your hair down at the library." At Amity's confused look, she elaborated, "The day we went looking for Philip's diary? I was trying to find you to ask you if you could help me find it, and I saw you with your hair down with that little kid who wanted to summon the dark lord. I thought you looked really pretty," she admitted, feeling herself blush. "You always look really pretty with your hair down."

This, in addition to Luz's eyes looking into her own lovingly, brought a fuzzy warmth to Amity's chest that left her momentarily speechless. "Was that when you fell for me?" she asked once her voice returned.

Luz grinned faintly, the look she often donned when she thought of fond memories. "No," she answered, "it was earlier than that. I think it happened gradually, actually, but it might've started when I saw you smiling for the first time when you read to those kids in the library. That's when I realized that you weren't just a bully—that you could be sweet, too. It was sort of eye-opening, and it made me see you in a different way. But I guess I never realized I liked you until you saved me from your parents' deadly abomiton."

She looked down and met Amity's eyes again, then blushed and quickly looked away. "Sorry, got a little carried away," she stuttered.

"No, it's okay. It was cute." Amity smiled up at her, placing a hand on Luz's cheek. The latter girl grinned and leaned down to give her girlfriend a kiss.

"When did you fall for me?" Luz questioned curiously once they separated.

Amity hummed, gently swinging her legs in thought (which were dangling off the couch). "Around the same time as you, I think. If I had to pinpoint a moment, I'd say when you made me laugh during our adventure with Otabin. After that, I was definitely a goner. I realized I liked you after we saved Eda, Ed and Em from the slitherbeast, and since it was my first crush- Titan, it was embarrassing." She hid behind her hands, and Luz giggled.

"I can't believe I didn't realize you liked me," she mused. "You were always blushing and talking a lot around me, and I noticed you looking at me a lot, but I just kinda brushed it off or ignored it. When you kissed my cheek, I finally thought I had a chance, but then Hooty took you to our basement and you told me to forget about it, and I thought you regretted it."

Amity grimaced. "Argh, I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to stop being friends with me because of it."

"Me neither!" Luz exclaimed. "That's why I messed up the tunnel of love, because I didn't want you to hate me or think I was cheesy or anything for it!"

Amity shook her head. "We really were oblivious, weren't we?"

Luz laughed sheepishly. "Yeah, we were."

Silence fell upon the two, leaving them with their thoughts. Then Amity said, "I didn't want to lose you, Luz. You're so bright, and kind, and beautiful, and amazing, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Me neither," Luz confessed. Her hand traveled from Amity's hair to her torso, wrapping her in a warm hug.

"I love you," Amity whispered, her voice light as a butterfly fluttering in the wind. Luz smiled and interlaced their fingers.

"I love you too."

A/N: Title is from The Bro Duet by Jason Gotay and George Salazar. It's really funny and sweet, give it a listen if you want!

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