Back in Monaco

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I was sitting at the airport of Miami. I was so unbelievable excited to finally go back to Monaco! After one whole year studying in Miami, all I wanted was to see my family and Charles again. I also missed my hometown Monaco. I missed the port with the yachts, the wonderful sunsets and the walks with my brothers dog Rocky. All I wanted was going for a walk, seeing a wonderful sunset and eating an ice cream with Charles while sitting at the port and laughing about the names of the boats. We did that so many times and it was the most beautyful thing on the entire world.
Suddenly I heard a voice in the speakers of the airport. Finally. My flight arrived and we were ready to enter the plane. I took my backpack which Charles gave to me before I went to the USA and entered the airplane. I sat down on my seat and looked out of the window when I got a text message. I grabbed my phone and saw, that my mother texted me.

M: Hey honey <3 I hope you have a good flight :) Unfortunately we can't pick you up, Luna is in the hospital, she fell down the stairs :( But Charles is going to pick you up at the airport :) See you soon darling :) x Mama

I laughed a little bit. My little sister always falls down everywhere, so it wasn't a big surprise that she was in the hospital. It happens at least once a year, she is very clumsy and always injured.

S: Hey Mama, hey Papa, don't you worry, it's okay :) Send many kisses for y'all :) Give Arthur and Luna a kiss from their favourite sister ;) See you later :) x Sarah

Right after I've sent the text, the plane started and we were in the air very quick. I talked with the elder lady which sat next to me and only a few minutes later we were allowed to remove the seatbelts. I ate something and drew something to my sketching book. Charles gave it to me when I was 8 years old and since then I always drew something in it, when I was inspired to draw. It had very many pages and was only half filled, even after 16 years.

After eleven hours of boring flight we finally landed and I left the plane. I went and picked up my suitcase and then searched Charles, what didn't take very long because he was standing there with a bunch of flowers and a shirt with my face on it. I started to laugh very hard when I saw it. I ran up to him and fell in his arms.
"Sarah I missed you so damn much" Charles said and kissed my forehead. "I missed you more" I smiled brightly and looked in his face. The face that always made me so happy when I saw it. The face of my best friend, the man who was always there for me. The man I've spent my whole life with. "But the shirt is awful" I said and Charles gave me the flowers. "I know, I just needed it so I didn't forget how you look" He said and laughed. I laughed too, but it was actually pretty sad that I didn't see him for such a long time.

He lied his hand on my shoulder and we walked to his car. "I missed the Ferrari. Everyone in the USA had either a Toyota or a Ford" We both laughed and entered the car. "Oh god, hopefully did someone else than you drive" He laughed even more and I punched him a little bit into the shoulder. "I drove and I only broke one car" I said in a played angry sound. "Wow, I am proud of you" My best friend said and parked his car in front of his apartment. "Katie told me that your clumsy sis is in the hospital again and she stayed over with her. And your dad and Arthur are at a fishing trip... So I thought you could stay at my flat" My best friend said and looked at me with a questioning gaze. "Yeah sure, I'm sure your bed is way more comfortable than the one in Miami. It was terrible" I laughed and we left the car. Charles carried my suitcase upstairs and I followed him. Right after he unlocked his door, I went to his bedroom and jumped on his bed. He laughed and sat on the bed. "I love your bed, you know that" I laughed too and Charles looked at me like "silly idiot". "Do you want to go for a walk at the port?" He asked and I jumped up. "Yup. I missed that shit so much, you can't even imagine" I smiled and walked to his wardrobe. "Don't you dare" He said and laughed. He exactly knew what I wanted. I opened a drawer and took a hoodie from him. I put it on and sat down next to him. "I do dare" I smirked and he looked at me with a killer gaze. "I love your hoodies, I can't help myself with that"

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