Wait until the evening

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8 months and three days later. Gary and my business was going very well and Daniel's season went better than he thought it would. We moved into the new house and were closer than ever before. We really enjoyed our new home and felt very comfortable in there.

Daniel wasn't home as he went to a two-day trip with Max. Charles came over to our house to hang out a bit with me. We were sitting in the garden-lounge enjoying a drink and just chatting, until I felt an unbelievable bad pain in my belly. It was one of the worst pains I've ever felt. I stood up and wanted to go to the toilet, but I couldn't walk and fell back on the chair. "What's wrong Sarah?! Are you okay?!" Charles said and immediately came to me. "No- Oh my fucking god that's so bad-" I said and laid down on the floor. The pain immediately got better and I was feeling much better.

After I sat down again, Charles went to the kitchen and got me a glass of water. "Did you eat something wrong?" He asked and gave it to me. "No, I just had a salad today..." I replied and was thinking about what the reason for the pain could be. "Caecum?" Charles asked. "Nah, that's not the same spot. It hurt in the lower part of my belly." I replied, still thinking. And then I got a  big shock. "Fuck. I think I know what the reason was...." I said and had to fight tears. "No don't cry honey... What's the reason?" Charles said and took me in his arms. "I didn't have my period for two months" I said and lost the fight against the tears. I bursted out in tears and cried in Charles' shirt.

"So you think you are- Damn Sarah... I'll go to the pharmacy and get you a test, okay?" Charles said and stood up. "Can you bring me an ice cream? That's all I need right now..." I asked and Charles smiled and nodded. He went to his car and drove to the pharmacy. He bought a pregnancy test and some pills against pain. Then he went to the supermarket and bought Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

Only 15 minutes later he was back. He have me all the things he bought and sat down next to me. "Do the test. You'll feel much better after. If it's positive, you'll be an amazing mom. And if it's negative, you'll just continue living as you did before." He said and kissed my forehead. So I stood up, went to the toilet and did the test. I went back outside, where Charles was waiting patiently. "How long do we have to wait?" He asked. "10 minutes. I am scared Charles. What if it's positive and Daniel's gonna leave me because of it?! Or when he doesn't want the child and I have to move out?!" I replied and started panicking. Charles hugged me tight and calmed me down. "He won't do that, believe me. And if he does, he's definitely not the right guy. But he loves you more than anything else, believe me. He would rather die than leaving you."

Ten minutes later it was time to look at the test result. "I can't... I just can't. Charles I can not look at this test." I said full of panic. "We'll look at it together, okay?" Charles replied and grabbed my hand. He took the test and held it  in his other hand. "3- 2- 1-" And then he turned it around. It was positive. I stared at the test for a while without any reaction. After a few seconds, I bursted out in tears. I fell around Charles' neck and cried in his shirt again. I never cried as much as I did in this moment. Charles did everything to calm me down, but it was nearly impossible.

After crying for like twenty minutes, I finally calmed down. "Better?" Charles asked. "Yes... But Charles what should I do now?!" I asked and was about to panic again but Charles gave me a tight hug and stroked my back. "Wait until Danny is back and then tell him" He replied and stroked over my hair. "I promise that he'll be happy about it. I talked with him about children. And he said he would love to be a father. Sarah, he loves you so unbelievable much. He would never say anything bad or even leave you because of it. Trust me. Tell him when he's back."

The next day, I was very nervous, as Daniel was coming home from his trip. I stood up early enough so I would be awake when he arrives.
It didn't take long and I heard a key unlocking the door. I jumped up and ran to the door. Daniel looked at me with a sweet smile and I fell around his neck. I kissed him a million times and was very happy to have him again.

"Aww, I missed you too" Daniel said with a smile and kissed me. "How is my sweetie pie doing?" He asked while he put off his jacket. "I am good. How was your trip?" I replied and got nervous again. I had no idea how I should tell him about my pregnancy. "The trip was great, Max and I had a lot of fun. But darling, you seem so nervous, what's wrong with you?" Daniel said and looked at me a bit worried. "I- I have to tell you something." I said. "You too? I wanted to tell you something too! No, actually I wanted to ask you something... But not now. Can we wait until the evening? I would like to go on a date with you."

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