Moon 🌒

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The next morning when I woke up, I looked at my phone and saw a message from Charles.
Charles: Sarah, I know you don't want to, but please unblock Daniel 🙏🏼🥺
Me: Good morning Charles, yes, I am fine, thanks for asking! How are you doing?
Charles: Sarah... At least look at his Instagram Story... There's a statement about what happened. Have a nice day 😘
Me: Okay... Have a nice day too 😉 Ly 😘
Charles: Love you too 😘

As I've blocked Daniel on every channel, I had to unblock him on Instagram first. I looked at his profile and saw, that he's sent me several messages. I clicked on the message button and read them.

"Could you please unblock me on WhatsApp? I need to talk with you!"
"Sarah I am sorry!"
"Can I please explain everything?"
"I love you too..."
"Okay, you are mad. I understand that. But I never meant to break your heart... I love you and you know that."
"I will never stop loving you"
"When you finally read this, please text me back... Just one word. An emoji. I don't care. Please just tell me that you are okay..."

The messages made me cry. It was so hard for me to get over Daniel. I loved him too, I knew that. But I was very mad. I wasn't sure about what I should do next, but then I did what he asked me to do.


This emoji was the only thing I replied. It had a big meaning for me. Of course, Daniel didn't know what it meant, but I did. For me, it said "I love to the moon and back". I was mad, but I didn't stop loving him. This love was so strong, it was nearly impossible to make it end.
After a few seconds, Daniel read it and replied.

"I am thinking about you all the time... I miss you ❤️ I understand when you don't want me anymore or just want a break, but I will be waiting for you. I love you and I will never love somebody else as much as I love you. And please look at my story... I really mean it."

Every single one of his words hurt really much. Texting with him didn't feel right. But as he and Charles both asked me to look at his story, I did. I clicked on his profile photo and saw a text on a green background.

Dear followers, friends and family,

we all know what I did, everyone saw it on TV. I want to make a quick statement about everything.
I know, that what I did was a huge mistake. Yes, everyone does mistakes, but it was definitely not okay what I did. I am very sorry for Sarah and want to apologise to her for what happened. I am pretty sure she won't read this, as she is very mad. I absolutely understand that, I did very dumb things. But I just want to mention, how much we love each other and how close we were and maybe still are. Of course, all of this is our personal life and we'll see what will happen next. Thanks for respecting that. Sarah and I will talk about everything and I hope (and dare to say that I am pretty sure) that we'll find a good solution.
Sarah if you are reading this: I love you and I am so so sorry about what happened... It was a huge mistake and I feel really bad for hurting you. It wasn't my intention and what I did was absolutely dumb and unthinking.

Thanks for reading this and respecting our personal life 💜
Cheers, Daniel

While reading it, I heard his voice. It was absolute beautiful, but at the same time it hurt so fucking much. The words were chosen so careful and soulful, it was unbelievable careful and full of emotions. I loved the way Daniel was writing texts. Just like the messages he's sent to me. He absolutely knew what he did and how he needed to act, to not make it worse. I couldn't help it and had to reply to his story.

"Thank you Dan <3 We can talk about everything soon, but I am not mentally stable for it now..."

I texted and then put my phone away. I was sick of social media. All the rumours and bad comments or messages, it made me sick. I've spent the whole afternoon with playing piano. It had a special effect and made me forget everything. It's just the music and me. Charles and I always played together when we were kids, so it unlocked many good memories.

When it was time to get prepared for the dinner with Pierre, I went to my room and searched for a nice outfit. I had no idea what I should wear. I tried on more than ten pieces until I finally decided to put on a normal T-Shirt and a plain blazer. It was one of my favourite outfit for dates. Of course this wasn't a date, but a dinner in a chic restaurant, so I decided that it was a good choice.

A few minutes later, Pierre was already standing in front of my door to pick me up. "Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" He asked and we walked down to his car. "Much better, thank you. But I saw Daniel's story, it kinda made me cry." I replied and entered the car. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Pierre replied while starting the car. "A little too beautiful. It broke my heart again... In one way I immediately want to go back to him, but in another way I need space right now..." "Yes I get that... But Sarah, it's better when you give each other a bit space... You need that. But believe me, you'll come back together. You are made for each other. If you don't get back together I don't believe in love anymore.

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