Dear future husband

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*four months later*

It was the date of birth. As the baby wasn't born early enough, the doctor and I made up a date for a caesarean section. Daniel paused the season to be fully prepared for being a father. We drove to the hospital and went to the birth station. They brought me to a room so I could get my anesthesia. Of course, Daniel came with me and we had one last talk before we were official parents.

"I am scared..."
"I know babe, me too... But trust me, it's gonna be okay.
"Yeah of course..."
"I love you. And I am sure you are going to be the best mother on earth..."
"And you really agree to name her Elena? And you are not leaving me while I am at the surgery room? And-"
    "Stop asking all these dumb questions love. There is no need to worry about anything. Everything is perfectly planned and     we are absolutely ready to be parents."
"I love you"
    "I love you too"

When I woke up, I was laying in a hospital bed. I had no idea what just happened, as I was still a little confused because of the anaesthesia. Then, I looked on the right side of my bed. Next to it, there was a small baby bed. Daniel was sitting next to it and stared at our baby. Then, in this moment, I remembered everything. Who this man was, where I was and why I was here. It made me cry very hard, My life seemed to be perfect. I was the happiest woman alive.

When Daniel noticed that I am awake, he smiled at me brightly. I saw in his eyes, that he has cried. His eyes were red and looked like glass. "Hey sweetheart" He said, came over to my bed and kissed my forehead. "Hey my love" I replied and smiled at him weakly. "How are you feeling?" He asked and stroked my hand. "Weak... Terrible... But honey, we did it. We have a little girl. We are going to marry in a few months. We live in a dream house. We have great jobs and have enough money... We did it. We have a perfect life."

A few hours later, Daniel left the hospital. Elena and I were in the room and slept. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. The baby started crying immediately and I got a big shock. "Yeah come in" I said as loud as I could but it was very hard as I was still very weak. In this moment, the door opened and I saw the face of my best friend Charles. "Hey girls" He said with a bright smile and entered the room. "Charles, it's good to see you!" I said and smiled at him. He gave me a very quick hug and then went to the bed of Elena which was standing right next to mine.

He stroked Elena's hand very very carefully and smiled brightly. "Godfather Charles is just a perfect name for you." I said looking at him smiling. He seemed to be very happy and also Elena made a satisfied impression. Suddenly, she opened her tiny hand and grabbed Charles' finger. She didn't let it go and this made my heart melt. "I think she likes me" Charles said smiling. "She does" I replied and made a photo of them.

    "How do you feel sweetie?"
"Not bad. I am still very tired but it's okay"
    "I am very very happy for you and unbelievable proud of you, do you know that?"
"Thank you Charles..."
    "I have something for her"

Charles took a little package out of his pocket and gave it to me. In the package, there was an envelope and a baby-shirt. On the baby shirt, there was a text printed on. The text was "I love mom, I love dad, but godfather Charles is the best". I had to laugh out loud because of it. "Oh holy lord Charles, you are a legend" I said and nearly died of laughter.

Charles and I talked for a while until an hour or so later, Daniel entered my room. "Daniel!" "Daniel!" "Charles, Sarah!" We all welcomed each other and all laughed. Daniel fist-bumped Charles and gave me a kiss. He sat down on my bed and stroked over my hair. "So did you two ladies miss me so much that you ordered Charles to come?" Daniel asked laughing. "Yes of course" I replied sarcastically.

"Daniel, Sarah... Elena of course... You are the most perfect family ever existing. You have an unbelievable handsome daughter, you two are so in love like on day one... Your family is so much better than all fairytales together. I love your family." Charles said and Daniel and I kissed with all the love we have for each other. And this was pretty much.
"Thanks Charles... Thank you very much.... And Daniel... Dear future husband... You made me the person I am today. You made me this happy, this confident and this tough. You made me forget about every problem I had and you made me a better person. Thank you Daniel. I love you."


Oh holy lord, this is the end of my first ever story. I really hope you enjoyed it a little and felt some emotions while reading. About the next story: I think it's gonna be about Gasly or Sainz, please let me know which one you would prefer. I also think it's gonna be a german story so it's easier for me to write and I can make better stories. Please let me know all your thoughts in the comments or send me a message, I am open for everything, also for requests or questions.

Thanks for reading the whole story :)


Dear future husband (Daniel Ricciardo ff)Where stories live. Discover now