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After I staid in a tight hug with Daniel for a few minutes, Daniel went over to my mother. He hugged her and tried to calm her down. "Can I bring you something? Do you want a water?" He asked and she nodded. So Daniel stood up and went to the kitchen. He came back with two glasses of water. One for me and one for my mom. He gave us the water and did everything to make us feel better.

"May I stay here for the night? I can't go home..." Mom asked and looked at Daniel and me with a begging face. "Stay as long as you want to" Daniel said and smiled at her. She nodded thankful and went upstairs without any more words. Daniel looked at me and gave me a sign, that he wanted to go upstairs. So did we and prepared for going to sleep. When I went to bed, Daniel was already waiting for me. He opened his arms and I laid my head on his chest. He held me in his strong arms and stroked over my hair.

"Do we want to talk about our wedding?" Daniel asked to distract me from what happened. "Yeah sure..." I said and comforted me on his chest. "So when do you want to do it?" Daniel asked. "Well, either now or after our child is born. I don't want to marry when my belly looks that I am about to explode" I said and giggled. "Ohh your smile is back, that's what I wanted!" Daniel said and kissed my cheek. "I think after would be better. It's only my opinion but-" "Yeah Daniel, I would've said that too."

"So if we really decide to marry after our child is born what would probably be in summer, where would we go?" I asked. "Monaco. Darling we live on the most beautiful spot on this planet, why would we go away? I love it here and it would be amazing to have a wedding here in Monaco." Daniel replied and I saw his smile in spite of the darkness. I loved his smile and it made me smile too. "I agree... No place is more beautiful than this one" I replied and leaned my head against his.

The next morning, I woke up because I heard voices in the kitchen. I saw, that Daniel was still asleep, so I got up as quiet as possible and went to the bathroom. I got dressed and then went to the kitchen. "Good morning sis" Arthur said and took a sip of the coffee he made. I wasn't sure anymore if he staid or not, but now I knew. "Good morning Arthur, good morning mom. How do you feel?" I asked and made a coffee. "I didn't sleep a second, but I am okay. How about you honey?" My mother asked. "I did sleep very well, thanks... You know, the man sleeping next to me made me feel much better." I said and sat down at the table where mom and Arthur were sitting. "Your future hubby is an unbelievable nice man. You can be very happy to have him. And I am too.... I'd love to accept him in our family. Not like your dad..." Mom said and smiled at me.

A few coffees later, I felt a sweet kiss on my cheek. "Good morning guys" Daniel said and sat down next to me. "Hey love" I said and gave him a kiss. We all ate breakfast and enjoyed the time together. "Mom, what are you going to do now? I mean because of dad..." Arthur asked after a while. "Listen... It's gonna be very hard, but I can't be with him anymore... My children are the most important thing in my life, I have told you this your whole childhood. I meant it. He can't treat my children and my son in law like this. I have to leave him" My mother replied and sighted. These words hurt very much, but it showed me again what a nice mother I had.

After mom and Arthur left a few hours later, Daniel and I decided to post a statement about our wedding and the baby. We set up a camera in the living room, sat down on the couch and started recording a statement.

(Imagine it's a script of what they said and how the video was made, I wanted to try something new. 😂)

"Hey guys, it's Sarah here. Oh, and Daniel, but we won't let him talk"
    "We'll just ignore it and I'll say hi"
"Cheeky man"
    "I feel bullied"
"Anyways, we want to talk about some rumours we saw in the internet"
    "Yeah. I am always very surprised how all these rumours get to the web but that's not the topic"
"Correct. Well, there were rumours about a wedding"
    "We didn't marry yet"
"Nah we didn't. But...."
    "We are going to!"
"Yeah that's correct. This sweet person next to me proposed to me"
    "Sorry to all the fangirls"
"He is mine, don't you even try"
"The second rumour, Daniel, you can say it"
    "Why me? Noo I am scared!"
"Because you are a very important part of the news"
    "Okay okay..."
"Thanks babe"
    "Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, Sarah and I are having a baby. So yes, all the rumours are true"
        *We looked at each other very much in love*
"Isn't it great?"
    "It is"
"Your fangirls are gonna hate me"
    "Okay I can live with that"
"Can I?"
    "I hope you can"
"I do"
        *we look at each other much in love again*
''Yeah guys we hope everything is clear now"
    "Yep, you know what you have to know"
"Why are we posting this again?"
    "No idea... But I think the media is gonna love us:
"Yeah sure"
    "Oh and guys... Please don't forget that we are only human and have a privat life too... So just respect the things that are going on in our life. There are actually a few people that are very important to us that didn't and this hurt pretty much... So please just do, thanks"
"Thanks Daniel"
    "Had to say it"
        -End of the video-

Dear future husband (Daniel Ricciardo ff)Where stories live. Discover now