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After we arrived at the hotel, Lando and I went to pick up the key. After we've got it, we went to Charles and walked up the stairs to the rooms. When I saw our door, I hugged Charles and said: "This is the first time since your last girlfriend that we don't sleep in the same room... I will miss you Charlie" He started laughing and I didn't get why. Then, Lando laid an arm around me and laughed too. "We both knew that you would be sad about that, so we booked a room with two beds. One for you and me and one for Charles." He said and I immediately kissed him and fell around his neck. "That's such a great idea, I love it! Thank you boys"

We went inside our room and I directly went on the balcony. It was the first thing I ever did when I arrived at a hotel. But as it was raining, I quickly went back to the room. Charles was sitting on his bed and laughed at me. "What?" I asked. "It's just so funny how you always run on the balcony" He replied with a smile on his face. "Does she really do that?" Lando asked and hugged me tight. "You just are a muppet" He added and laughed.

Meanwhile at Daniel's room. (We quickly jump in his perspective, so the Narrator is Daniel 😊)

I went to my room and fell on my bed. That pain I felt the whole flight was getting harder and harder. Why didn't she notice that I was better for her than Lando? Why was the girl of my dreams dating my teammate? I was thinking about that for over 30 minutes, until someone knocked at my door. So I went and opened it. "Charles, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously. "I have to talk with you Daniel, can I come inside?" He asked but walked in without waiting for a reply. "Why, what's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked and was a bit afraid that something really bad happened.

"No Daniel, nothing happened with me or someone else, but with you." He said with a serious face. "W- with me?!" I asked. What was going on?! "Yes Daniel, you have to tell me what is wrong. You weren't yourself in the plane. Something is wrong with you, I can see that." He said and also looked a bit worried, but about me. "What are you talking about?" I asked a bit afraid. Did he notice how jealous I was? "After Sarah and Lando told you that they were a couple, you were an absolute different person. So sad and unfunny. Dan you are the funniest guy I know, and in that moment you don't make any jokes anymore I know that you aren't okay. Please tell me what is wrong."

I swallowed nervously. I needed to tell him. He is a good friend of mine and he would find out anyways. So I breathed calmly for a few times and then started speaking. "Listen... I... Do you remember the day where Sarah and I kissed while playing truth or dare?" I asked, still very nervous. "Yeah of course, but she also kissed Lando." Charles replied. "Yeah. But I felt something while I kissed her. And I am pretty sure that wasn't friendship. No, I know it wasn't friendship. I love her, but she's dating my fucking teammate. He is young and attractive... So much better than me! WHAT SHOULD I DO?! I SHOULD BE HAPPY FOR THEM. BUT MY STUPID BRAIN AND HEART DECIDE TO BE JEALOUS! I AM FUCKING JEALOUS!" I said in a loud and angry voice. Actually, I needed to hold back my tears. This doesn't happen often, but I felt such a pain in my heart, it was very hard not to cry.

"I knew that you like her... I mean I understand that. But you don't just like her, that's true love... I am sorry mate..." Charles said and hugged me quickly. "I need to be happy for her. She is happy so should I also be happy..." I said and tried to make myself accept the situation. But it didn't work. I've talked with Charles for ages. It felt very good to tell someone about my problems.

Eventually, Charles stood up and walked to the door. "If something happens to them or they break up I will immediately tell you. And if you need me, I am right in the room next to yours." He said and left my room. I was really happy that we talked about my pain and problems.

Dear future husband (Daniel Ricciardo ff)Where stories live. Discover now