Spielberg Grand Prix (2)

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The next morning was very stressful, because Charles and I overslept and nearly missed the 3rd free practice. But we made it on time, since we ran to the track. Charles had a problem with the engine and couldn't finish the session. He was really mad and didn't say much after the session. I tried to calm him down, but he was too nervous because of the qualifying. So I decided to leave him alone a bit and went to the McLaren garage to talk with Daniel.

"Hey Sarah" I heard a voice. But it wasn't Daniel. It was Lando who now got closer to me. "Oh, hey Lando, nice to see you" I hugged him and chatted a little with him. "If you search Daniel, he isn't here. He has a meeting with Zak." He said like he was reading my mind. "Can you read minds?" I said and laughed. "Nah, sadly not" He said. "Do you want something to drink? Or no, better idea: You wanna come and drink a coffee with me?" He asked and smiled at me.
I love his smile, it's so sweet and beautiful. "How could I say no?" I said and we went to a Cafeteria in the paddock. We both ordered a coffee and drank it. We chatted together and laughed a lot.

Suddenly, Charles was standing next to me. "Holy cow, you scared me!" He sat next to me and also ordered a coffee. "Am I interrupting your date?" He said with a smirk on his face. "Charles please. I told you what I think about boyfriends." I said and carefully punched his arm. "So what do you think about boyfriends?" Lando asked curiously. "He tries to find a boyfriend for me, even I said that I don't need one because he'll surely break my heart." I said with a played angry face. "Mabe there are also men who won't break your heart" He said with a little smile on his face. Charles stood up. "I'll let you two alone, so you can flirt a bit" He evil smirked and then walked away. "I will end you Charlie!" I screamed after him but needed to laugh. "He's an idiot" I said and noticed how Lando was staring at me. "What?" I asked and he smiled at me. "Mabe the idea isn't even that bad..."

After the coffee-break, I went down to the Ferrari garage to wish Charles luck. The car was repaired and he was ready for the qualifying. I hugged him tight and wished him luck. We always did that before every session. Charles entered his car and was first in Q1. Also is Q2 he was fastest, very clearly. But in Q3, his teammate Carlos was nearly one second quicker and got the pole. Charles was happy anyways and had the aim to just be better in the race.

The next day, we stood up early enough to be perfectly prepared for the race. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I braided my hair to a chic ponytail, put on some skinny jeans and one of Charles' T-Shirts and put on some plain Make Up. We drove to the paddock and I quickly went to the McLaren garage to with the boys luck. "Hey beautiful girl" Lando said as he saw me and I tried not to blush. "Thanks Lando" I smiled at him and went over to him so I can hug him. "Good luck Lando, you can do it" I said and hugged him. He put a note into my pocket and smiled. "Thanks darling, I am going to be really fast" He winked at me. "Can we make a deal? If I finish higher than fourth you go on a date with me." He looked at me expectant and I smiled. "Sure, but only when you get a podium" I smiled and walked away. Well, I wanted to walk away. But I bumped into Daniel who seemed to be in hurry. "Sorry Dan, didn't want to" I awkwardly laughed but he just smiled at me "It's okay, I am not made of glass" He laughed and went to the garage. I looked at the note Lando gave me. 

|I'll hang out with some boys at the beach and would be very happy if you'd come too :) 7pm at my room?
X Lando <3|

I smiled and put the note back to my pocket. Okay, mabe I had a little crush on Lando, but I couldn't tell Charles. He'd immediately plan the wedding so I needed to be quiet. I went to the Ferrari garage and walked to Charles. "Where have you been?" He asked and came over to me. "I was in the McLaren garage to with the boys luck" I said and then pulled him in a tight hug. "Good luck my boy" I said and he went to the starting grid.

The race started and Charles had an amazing start. He overtook Carlos already in the first turn. Also Lando who started 6th had an amazing start and was already 4th. Daniel held his position and was still 7th. After a few laps, I went to Xavier, Charles' engineer. I took a headset and sat next to him. Lando was very close to Max, who was 3rd at the moment. "COME ON LANDO, OVERTAKE HIM!" I screamed and only two laps later Lando was in front of Max. I was very excited and happy for him. Also Daniel overtook a few drivers and was 5th now. The race only had 7 laps left and nothing changed.

Charles won the race in front of Carlos and Lando. After Charles parked his car, he ran to his team and hugged all of them. Then, he came to me and hugged me too. "Congrats Charlie, deserved win" I smiled and he went to prepare the podium. Then I saw, that Lando was coming towards me with a huge smile. "You know what that means" He said and I hugged him. "Yes, I am proud of you Lando" I said and he also went on the podium.

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