Mom, he is my new boyfriend

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After the kiss, we were standing there, in the middle of a side walk in Monaco. "Sarah. I fell in love with you. Since I first met you." He kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my hand. "Will you be my girlfriend? I know that you are afraid of a broken heart, but I promise that I won't ever break your heart. Never." He smiled at me and waited for my answer. "Lando... I am not sure if I really want a boyfriend... But you are something special. You make me feel so much better than anyone else. So I have to say yes. Because I am badly into you" I smiled and kissed him with all of my love. "You scared me honey" He said and pulled me in a tight hug. "Are you cold?" He asked. "Yeah, a little bit. But it's okay." I answered. But he took off his jacket and put it over my shoulders. "Thank you" I whispered and laid my head on his shoulder.

We sat on a bench and watched the sun setting until it was dark. "Lando?" I asked. "Yes my darling?" He looked at me. "I know that it is really early, but do you want to meet my mother? I'd love to take you home..." I said and he looked surprised. "Your family lives in Monaco? That's nice, I'd love to meet them" He smiled and stroked over my hand.

A few minutes later, we walked to my family's house. I opened the door and saw my mother sitting on the couch. "Hey mom" I said and she looked at me. "Oh, Sarah, you are back, how nice! And you brought a guest, how lovely!" She stood up and came to us. Lando seemed pretty nervous so I grabbed his hand and stroked it. "Mom, this is Lando, my new boyfriend" I said and she smiled at him. He shook her hand and introduced himself. "Good Evening Mrs. Harrison. I am Lando Norris, I am an F1 driver and dating your daughter" He smiled and I started laughing. "That was a perfect presentation, your teacher would've given you an a" I laughed and my mother looked at Lando. "You seem to be a really nice guy, it's nice to meet you Lando"

Lando and I went upstairs and laid on my bed. "Do you want to stay here tonight?" I asked. Lando didn't think about the answer very long. "Sure, I can never spend enough time with you babe" He said and kissed me carefully and sweet. "And you, do you want to come to the next grand prix with me?" He asked a bit later. "Where is it?" I replied. "Great Britain. I'd love to show you my country." He said and smiled at me with his typical Lando-Smile. I laughed a little bit because I realised how much I needed this guy next to me. "Of course, I'd love to visit your country"

Lando and I watched some Tv until someone knocked at the door of my room. I stood up and opened it. "Arthur! Fuck I missed you so much!" I fell around my brothers neck and hugged him. "I missed you too lil' sis" He laughed and stroked my back. Then he saw Lando. "Oh, you have a guest, sorry, I didn't know that" He said and wanted to walk away. But I stopped him and pushed him to my room. "Arthur, this is Lando, my boyfriend. Lando, this is Arthur, my older brother." Arthur went to my bed and shook Lando's hand. "Nice to meet you Lando. You're a lucky man to be with her, she didn't have a boyfriend since she was twelve" He said and laughed. "Really? Well, I am glad I am with her now" Lando said and grabbed my hand. "You are to sweet darling" I said and kissed him. "Okay, it's time for me to leave" Arthur said and left my room with a smile on his face.

My boyfriend and I continued watching tv until we fell asleep. As we woke up the next morning, the tv was still on. I turned around to see, if Lando was still asleep. As he wasn't, he smiled at me. "Good morning beautiful" He said and kissed me. "Morning honey" I replied and stroked his cheek. We stood up and went downstairs, where only my little sister Luna was sitting.

"Good morning lil' sis" I said and she looked at me. Lando  smiled at her and her jaw dropped. "Is this Lando Norris standing in our kitchen?" She said and couldn't believe it. She knew that I had many contacts to Formula 1 drivers, but she didn't know anyone apart from Charles. She also never went to a grand prix, not even to the Monaco Gp.

"Yeah, it's me" Lando said and laughed. "She's a huge fan of you. She always wanted to meet you, now she does" I said with a smile on my face. Luna went to Lando and hugged him. "I am your biggest fan Lando- I can't believe you are in our kitchen..." Lando and I laughed. "Well, I am dating your sister, I think we will see each other more often now" He said and carefully stroked her hair. "You see babe, even ten year olds love you. That's the official proof what a nice guy you are." I said and messed up his hair. He looked at me with an evil gaze but then just sat down on our table.

After the breakfast, Lando left and I went to my room. I had two days off now, before I went to Great Britain with the boys. But these days wouldn't become chilled, I had a plan.

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