For you

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The next morning, I woke up because Daniel carefully stroked my cheeks. I was still laying on his chest, as he comforted me yesterday night and I fell asleep on his chest cuddled up with him. "Sarah darling, you have to stand up and go to work..." He whispered and kissed my forehead. "Nooo I want to stay here in bed with youuu!" I complained and turned away from Daniel. "But babe, today is the race!" Daniel said laughing and hugged me from behind. "But I am tired!" I replied. "Look. If you stand up now, we can go and have breakfast together. Otherwise I have to go and eat by myself... Don't you want to come with me?" Daniel said in a mock sad voice.

I slowly turned around and looked straight in his eyes. "I will come with you. Of course." I said and kissed him. "Thank you, that's really kind." He replied and kissed me. "I have been thinking about something really important yesterday... And I wanted to talk about it with you" I said. Daniel looked at me a little worried. "What is it?" He asked. "Because I was thinking about something important too." "Yeah? Can you tell me first? Maybe it's the same thing" I replied. "Yeah... I was thinking about if we should make our relationship public... It would make everything much easier...But if you don't want to, I am completely okay with that!" Daniel said and looked at me expectant. "Yes, I was thinking about that too. And I have a good suggestion to motivate you for the race with it." I replied and smirked. "Ohhh a motivation for me? So what is your suggestion?" Daniel replied and smiled too.

"When you win, I am going to kiss you in front of all the cameras and people. If you don't win, we'll wait with it for a moment. Agree?" I asked and saw, how Daniel smiled even more. "Sure, sounds amazing. I am going to win for you baby" Daniel said, kissed me and eventually stood up. He pulled off his shirt and went to the wardrobe to put on a new one. I couldn't stop staring at him, as he looked stunning. "What?" Daniel asked and laughed. "I just realised what a sexy boyfriend I have" I said and stood up too. I walked over to him and stroked over his naked chest. "I can be even hotter my dear. But only when I ain't wearing anything and am in bed with my love" Daniel said and smirked. "Oh yeah? I think you have to show me one day... Maybe when we are back in Monaco and alone in my apartment" I replied and kissed him. "Yes. Absolutely yes" Daniel said, smirked and then put on a shirt.

After we were finished with the breakfast, we went to the track. Of course we went there together, but without any body contact or even holding hands. I went to his drivers room with him to kiss him on farewell and wish him good luck. "Good luck honey. You can do this. I believe in you. And I love you" I said and kissed him. "Thank you babe. I love you too" He replied and I left the room.  I walked to the office and grabbed all the stuff I needed. I went to my location and set up the things i needed to make some good photos.

After a few minutes, the race finally started. Daniel had a good start and went to P2. George sadly stayed on P1. Charles lost one place, Lando gained two and Carlos lost one. I was very happy for Daniel, but of course not too happy for my team.
In the second lap, Daniel overtook George. I was really happy for him and hoped, that he would keep the position.

The race went pretty well for Daniel. Also Carlos overtook a few more people and gained a few positions. But in the last lap after a safety car, George overtook Daniel with an unfair manoeuvre. He pushed him off the track and Daniel couldn't do anything and nearly lost the car. "WHAT WAS THAt?! HE NEEDS TO GIVE ME THE POSITION BACK!" Daniel screamed into the radio. "The FIA is looking at it, no worries Daniel" His engineer said.

After the chequered flag, the Mercedes team celebrated the win of George. I was more furious than I have ever been before. If George would get a five second penalty, he would only be third. Daniel would be the winner and Charles second. But nothing happened for now. But when I went to the podium to take some photos, the FIA announced, that there won't be a podium celebration until Niels Wittich would make a decision.

We all were confused, as this never happened before, but we waited patiently until finally...
"5 second Penalty for George Russell."
I was overjoyed. Daniel won the race! Charles was second! I was unbelievable happy. I looked at Freddie, a co worker of mine. Today it was his day off, but he came to visit us at the track. He smiled at me brightly. "Go to your man Sarah. I think you both need each other right now. Give me your camera. I'll do your job for now" He said and I hugged him quickly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best Fred!" I gave him my camera and ran to the McLaren team, which was even happier than me. 

Daniel got out of his car and jumped into the heap of mechanics, engineers and other team members. Then he went back to his car and stood on the libra. He put on the Pirelli cap and came back to the corner I was standing in. The journalists wanted to interview him, but he walked straight to me. "You owe me something babe" He said with his sweetest smile. "I know" I said and kissed him. "This win is for you. Just for you. I love you" Daniel said and kissed me back. All the cameras were on us, but I actually didn't care. I even enjoyed it a little bit.

To all the readers who would like to help me out a bit:

Guys guys guys... I love writing this story. It really makes me happy that you read this story. It means so so much to me ❤️ But in the last few days, I was struggling to find ideas. I am sure I'll find some, but I wanted to ask you a few questions about my story and would really appreciate it when you would answer them :)

1. Do you like the story until now?
2. Is it good to read (the division of sections)
3. What do want to happen next? (Some ideas for me ;)
4. How long do you want the story to be?

Thank you guys for the feedback! Have fun with the rest of the story <3

Cheers, Fay (yes the author has a name 🤯😂)

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