New plans

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Only an hour later, Daniel and I went to my apartment. I put on some sporty clothes and went back to Daniel. We walked through Monaco and went to a litte mountain. We hiked up there, but didn't walk fast. We talked, held hands and enjoyed the view. When we arrived on top of the mountain, we sat in the grass and I leaned against Daniel's shoulder.

"Monaco looks even better when you look down from here" Daniel said and stroked my cheek. "But when I turn my head and look at the right, I see something more beautiful. You." I said and smiled at him. He kissed me and smiled at me really much in love. We enjoyed the view for a while, until a young man with a little boy came to us. "Daniel Ricciardo?! Oh my god I am standing in front of Daniel Ricciardo! Dad, look, there is Daniel Ricciardo, the F1 driver! Mate, you are my idol, my inspiration, the only person I ever wanted to meet! Can we take a Selfie?" The boy asked and was nearly hyperventilating. Daniel laughed and stood up. "Of course we can. What's your name dear?" He asked while they did a selfie.

"My- my name is Dean... I am your biggest fan..." The little boy said and hugged Daniel, who looked at me with a smile. "Do you want my cap?" Daniel asked and took off his cap. He put the cap on Dean's head and Dean smiled brightly. "Dad, I have Daniel's cap!" He said with a huge smile. "Thanks Mr. Ricciardo. I think you just made his whole day." Dean's dad said and shook Daniel's hand. "Absolute no problem, I love my fans" Daniel replied and smiled. They talked for a while and laughed a lot. "Actually I am a photographer and wanted to take some photos from the city. But now you are here. So may a take a few pictures of you and Ms. Harrison together with my son? It would be amazing for my new album and I am sure there would be amazing photos. Of course I will pay something for it..." The father, whose name was Garry, said and looked at Daniel and me questionable. Daniel turned to me and looked at me with a questionable gaze too. "What do you say honey? Do you want to do that?" Daniel asked. "Of course, I love your fans too. But I don't want money for it. We photographers need to stand together" I replied and smiled. Dean's father looked very happy and explained, how he would like to make the photos.

After nearly 30 minutes, we were done with the little shooting. It was a very crazy idea, but it was very fun. Gary showed us some of his photos and we were amazed. The photos were great. He was a really good photographer. "Wow, I love your work Gary, where do you work?" I said and was still very surprised how good the photos were. "I am currently not working in a company. I try to get my money with my own little business. I don't have employees, but I am happy with everything I have." Gary replied and smiled. "What's the name of your business? I would love to have a look at it." Daniel said. "Yeah? That's very nice, thank you! The name is Gary-Miller Photography. Nothing special...." Gary replied and laughed nervously. "So do you have a studio?" Daniel asked. "Yes. A little studio in my house." He replied. "Daniel, we'll visit this studio tomorrow. I want to see it. This man has potential. I am sure we'll be very amazed of the photos." I said and stood up from the stone I was sitting on. "Okay, if you want to do this, we are going to visit him. When is your studio opened?" Daniel asked Gary. "From nine to four. It would be an honour to see you!"

When Daniel and I arrived at my apartment, we went to my balcony and drank something. "So what is your plan with Gary?" Daniel asked while he took a sip of his drink. "You know that it was always my dream to own my own company...  And I think I see an opportunity to make this dream come true." I replied. Daniel didn't say anything for a while and was thinking about what I said. "So you want to buy his business?" He eventually said. "No. But I want to give him a loan and invest in his business. I studied journalism and economy, I think I am able to make the business bigger and make it a known company." I replied. Daniel bit his lip and thought about my reply again. "That's a good idea darling. But what about your job at Ferrari?" He replied and I had a big shock. "Fuck I didn't tell you... I... Don't work for Ferrari anymore..." I said still in shock. "You what?! When- why- What happened?" Daniel replied and looked very surprised.

After my explanation, Daniel looked very surprised. But he understood why I quit and was very understanding. "I get it. But love, when you signed with the FIA, you can't start a business at the same time." He said and stroked my hand. "I have signed. But I have a period of four weeks to cancel the contract. If Gary agrees, I can cancel it and focus on my dream." I replied and smiled a bit. It made me happy to think about how close I was to make my dream come true.

"Do you want to stay here for the night?" I asked and Daniel nodded. "Can you wake me up tomorrow morning? I hate using my phone as an alarm." Daniel said while we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. "Yeah sure" I replied and we prepared for going to sleep.
A few minutes later, we were laying in my bed. I put my head on Daniel's chest and he stroked through my hair. "But darling, if you really do this thing with Gary, you won't be in F1 anymore... Then I don't see you anymore and-" I laid my finger on his lips and kissed him. "Of course I will make him shoot in F1. And this will be my job. I love you, I will never leave you voluntarily. Never again." I said and kissed him again. "I love you Mary" "I love you too Joseph"

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