The power of love

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"She what?! I will tell my mates that I have to leave! Okay, I'm there in 6 hours, okay?! Take care of her! And if anything happens, call me!" Daniel replied hysterically and ended the call. He seemed to be really worried about me, what was very sweet. My dad and Arthur were still sitting next to my bed, when Charles came back to the room.

"Daniel is on his way. He's driving back to Monaco right now and will arrive in a few hours." Charles said and sat down on my bed. "Do you know who Daniel is?" He asked and stroked my hair. "Daniel? Are you Daniel?" I replied and was confused. I had no clue who was who. "No, I am Charles. Daniel is your boyfriend. He is in Italy on a trip with his friends, but he'll come to see you" Charles said and smiled at me softly.

"Dad, I think we should leave Charles and Sarah alone. He can tell her so much more about things she loves than we can." Arthur said and stood up. "Yeah. Yeah you are right. Bye Charles, bye my love" My dad replied and stood up. He kissed my forehead and the two men left. Charles was still sitting on my bed and was holding my hand.

"Can you tell me something about him? And me? And what is happening in my life? I want to remember everything..." I asked him and he smiled at me sweetly and soft. "Yes I can. About Daniel... He loves you. More than Formula 1 or anything else. You are his princess. And the last thing he would do is hurting you on purpose. You started dating him a few months ago. Your ex cheated on you with his ex... Yeah, pretty weird this story... But you both loved each other before all this happened. You are made for each other." Charles said and started smiling. "Wow... My boyfriend seems to be an amazing man...What is his job?" I replied happily. "He is an F1 driver." Charles said. I got really excited. "Wait... My boyfriend is a celebrity?!" I replied overjoyed. "Not only him... I am an F1 driver too... And you work there too." Charles said with a smirk.

After a while, the doctor entered the room. "Ms. Harrison, how do you feel?" He asked and looked at a sheet he had in his hands. "I think not to bad. My scar hurts a bit, but the rest is fine" I replied. "We did some more tests. It looks really good and we think that you can go home in only a week. You probably won't suffer of any lifetime damage, as your friend saved your life." The doctor said and smiled at Charles. "How long does it take for her to remember the things again?" Charles asked. "Not long. Maybe a few hours, maybe a few days, but not more." The doc replied and left the room.

"You saved my life... Thank you... Charles..." I said and grabbed his hand. "I know you don't remember, but when we were kids, I once promised you, that I will die for you if it's nessecary. And I didn't have to die. I just had to call an ambulance. And this saved your life. I love you Sarah, I can't let you die." Charles said and kissed my forehead. "Thank you... You sound like a guy I love too. I don't remember if I love you, but I think I do." I replied and laughed.

Six hours later, someone knocked at the door. It was already 9pm, so I really wondered who it was. The door slowly opened and Daniel entered my room. "Sarah! Darling you scared me so much!" He said and kneeled down next to my bed. "Daniel? Are you Daniel?" I asked and he laughed with a tear rolling down his cheek. "Yes... I am so glad you are okay... I was really worried about you..." He replied and stroked my hand.

"How is a guy like you dating me?! How do I deserve this?!" I asked and laughed. "Babe, you deserve everything. You are the most perfect girl I know. I love you with all my heart." Daniel replied and kissed me. 

The kiss was amazing. I suddenly remembered how I kissed him before. I remembered everything again. Daniel's love has made my memories come back.
"Daniel, I remember everything" I said and smiled at him brightly. "You- you do? Oh my god that's amazing!" He replied and kissed me again.

"Can you stay here tonight?" I asked after a while, holding his hand. "I don't think this is allowed darling..." He replied with a helpless face. "I don't care. I need you here with me" I said and pulled him on my bed. "Okay, if you want me to stay here... Anything for you my lady" He said and put my head on his chest.

"I love you" I said while cuddling up with Daniel. "I love you more. And I promise that I won't ever break your heart." He replied and kissed me on the head. "And I won't ever break yours"

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