Home (bitter)sweet home

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I was still very surprised that Daniel had a girlfriend, but I was really happy for him. Lando drove them home and then me. "Do you want to come inside babe?" I asked, but he shook his head. "Nah, I'll leave you some space so you can enjoy being home again" He said, kissed me and then drove away. He seemed very strange today, but I didn't think much. I entered my house and went to the living room, where my whole family was. "Hey guys, I'm back" I said and hugged all of them.

The next day, I went over to Charles, so we could go and buy my new apartment. "Are you ready darling?" He asked and put on his jacket. "More than ready. I can't wait to have my own property." I said and we went to the apartment. The old owner, Mr. Delemont, was already waiting in front of the house. "Good morning Ms. Harrison, Mr. Leclerc, happy to see you."  He said and we went inside. We talked for a while and then, I finally signed the papers. From now on, I was the official owner of an apartment.

After Mr. Delemont left, Charles and I went to my parents house and picked up some stuff. Arthur and my mom also helped us and we have already brought a lot of my things to the new apartment. The whole week, we moved all my thing over to my new home. Also Daniel and Lando came and helped us. At Thursday, everything was moved. Charles took me shopping and we bought some essential things like dishes and furniture. The same day, I officially moved into my new home. Lando and Charles were both with me and I cooked for them. A few hours later, Charles left Lando and me alone. "Do you want to stay over tonight?" I asked him with a smirk on my face. "Yeah sure, but I need to leave early, I have a meeting with Zak." He replied.

We went to bed very soon. Before we slept, we cuddled a bit and talked about what we did while we didn't see each other. Finally, I fell asleep on his chest. His arm was laid around me and I felt really comfortable. I missed him very much, even when I loved the time with Daniel.

When I woke up the next day, Lando wasn't there anymore. He left a note on my kitchen table, which said:

I am at the track, see you later babe :)

As Daniel and I agreed to watch all the actions on track together, I got dressed and went to his house, so we could go to the track together. When I knocked at the door, he immediately opened the door and hugged me. "Good morning beautiful, how are you doing?" He asked and came outside. "I am doing great, thanks you charmer" I replied and we walked to the paddock. "Where is Lisa?" I eventually asked. "She's already at the paddock. She works for McLaren, she needed to work." He replied and we entered the paddock. "How long are you guys already dating?" I asked. I was asking a lot of questions, but I was just really curious. "A bit more than one month. But well, it's not really going well with her... But we'll see how it will go on." He replied a bit sad.

We went to the Ferrari box to say hi. "Hey Charlie" I said and laid my arm around him. "Oh my god you scared me." He laughed. "But nice to see you. Oh, and hi Daniel, are you doing better?" He asked and went to Daniel, who was standing in the door. We talked for a while and then decided to visit Lando, as we wanted to sit in the McLaren box, what was pretty obvious. But as we realised later, it was a really bad idea to go to Lando's drivers room. Because the moment I opened the door, I saw Lando and Lisa kissing. Daniel saw it to and looked furious. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! YOU ARE A FUCKING BITCH! AND YOU LANDO- HAVE A NICE LIFE. BUT WITHOUT ME. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU." I said in tears and left the room. "Sarah, please, it is not what it looks like!" Lando said and tried to run after me, but Daniel stopped him. "You stay here. AND YOU FUCKING THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU DID! KISSING MY GIRLFRIEND AND BREAKING SARAH'S HEART. YOU FUCKING BASTARD." He yelled, punched him in his face and ran after me. He was fighting tears too, but he could handle it much better than me.

"Sarah wait!" Daniel screamed and ran after me. I ran to the McLaren motorhome and ran to the toilets, where I locked myself. Daniel came after me and knocked at the door. "Sarah please, come here to me... We can suffer together, okay? Please come to me..." He said and stood at the door. I realised that he was right and opened the door. I immediately fell in his arms and cried in his shirt. "He is a bastard. How could he do that... What did I do wrong? Fuck, Daniel, WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!" I cried more and more. He was still holding me in his strong arms and stroked over my back. He was also fighting tears, but he didn't cry. "Sarah, it's not your fault. I am sure. He is just a jerk. Breaking your heart... With my girlfriend... Ex... Ex girlfriend..." He replied and needed to fight tears even more than before. "Do you want to go home?" He then asked and I nodded. "Can you come with me? I think I can't handle this alone..." I said and he agreed. He softly grabbed my wrist and walked me home.

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