Letter for you

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The dinner with Pierre was really nice. We laughed a lot and agreed, that he would come with me to Switzerland, so we would make a little trip together. And so we did. Two weeks later, we were in Geneva. It's a nice town in Switzerland. We went there for two days. On the first day, I went to sign the new contract. In two months, I would start working for the FIA in Formula 1.
The next day, we went to see the city. As my mother is Swiss, I was there very often when I was little and knew the city. We did a little tour and then took a break at the lake. "Do you want to go on the boat?" I asked and saw how Pierres face turned into a big smile. "Definitely" He said and we ran to the ticket counter. We bought a tour around Geneva and went to a cute boat. We sat down next to the railing and had a great view on the water.

"Can we talk about Daniel?" I asked and Pierre laid his arm around me. "If you want to, of course." He said and smiled at me. "Did he say anything after the drama?" I asked. "Yes, he did. He sat there in his drivers room and said "Fuck I am such an idiot" over and over again. He really regrets what he did..." Pierre replied and stroked my cheek. "He loves you more than anything else on this world. Sarah, honestly, please forgive him." In that moment Pierre said that, he got a message.

Daniel: Do you know where Sarah is? I am at her apartment. I wanted to give her a letter...
Pierre: Yes, she's with me in Switzerland... We'll be back this evening. Just put it in the mailbox, I'll tell her you were there.
Daniel: Why is she with her?
Pierre: She didn't want to go alone, so she asked me to come with her.
Daniel: How is she doing?
Pierre: She's okay. But honestly, she misses you.
Daniel: Can you tell her that I love her too? The last conversation we had she said "I love you Daniel". And all I said was "Good night". Tell her that I love her too. Please.
Pierre: No Daniel. You have to tell her. I'll tell her to unblock you on WhatsApp, then you can tell her yourself
Daniel: Thanks. But you know what? The letter will be enough.
Pierre: Okay, see you next week
Daniel: Thanks Pierre for everything.

Seven hours later, I arrived at my apartment. I opened the door and put my suitcase in my room. Then I went to the Mailbox. I opened it, and saw many letters and other things. There were a few bills, news papers and letters. But on one letter was no address. Neither mine than the sender's. That meant, that the writer had to bring it to my house. Who would bring me a letter? I was very curious and opened it.

Sarah Mary Harrison,

Do you remember the first time we've met? It was 2012 in Monaco at a Kart race. You were Charles' girlfriend and went to watch his race. He won and you were really proud of him. My dad and I were in a vacation in Monaco on this day and so we watched the race too. I, 23, bumped into you, 17. I apologised immediately and we've talked for a while. And yeah, I had a huge crush on you. And when you went to Charles and kissed him to congratulate him, I was kinda heartbroken.
When we saw each other in 2016 when Charles became reserve driver in F1, you two weren't dating anymore. I was absolute happy about that. We became friends very quickly and were very close. For many years, I wanted to tell you what I really feel for you, but I always was too afraid that you would reject me. Last year, you got a boyfriend. My teammate. You both looked very happy together and I tried everything to support you in your relationship. Of course, I was heartbroken, but I loved to see you that happy. I thought, getting a girlfriend would distract me from the pain I felt. But no, it made everything worse. Every time I kissed her, I imagined it was you. I realised how much I wanted you and couldn't get you. It was pure pain.
Then, Lando cheated on you with my girlfriend. Or the other way around. Anyways, not important. Of course I was hurt, because I thought that Lisa just used me, but what hurt even more was seeing you suffer. Your smile disappeared, your energy was away. My heart broke even more. So I decided that I had to spend a lot of time with you, to cheer you up. It worked. While we've spend a lot of time together and did fun things, you finally forgot about Lando and how much he hurt you. It made me really happy to see you smile again.
Then we went on Pierre's boat, where we had our first kiss. In the middle of the night. George, who was drunk, wanted to kiss you or do things that are even worse. I woke up and saved you from him. Yeah, i know this is very humble, but I think in this situation I can say that. We've talked about god and the world, until you've mentioned how bad George's kiss was. I told you that I could do it better and you wanted to see if this is true. Wow, what a clever plan :) Yeah, the kiss was great.
We were closer than ever before. You even invited me to your brother's wedding, which was a huge honour for me. This evening, we've kissed again. We didn't talk for weeks after it, but when we saw each other the next time, it was one of the best days in my life. I finally did what I wanted to do for so many years. I finally confessed. It was time to tell you what I feel. And you made me the happiest man alive, when you kissed me and told me, that you liked me too. Wow, Mr. Ricciardo smiled more than ever before.
And now, a few months later, I am sitting here in my room staring at the sea. You broke up with me because I did shit. Very very bad shit. I know you don't want me to explain it, but I want to tell you why I did it. Because I thought you cheated on me. I thought, kissing another girl would make me feel better. But no. That's definitely not true. It was the worst decision I've ever made. I miss you. And I want you back. I love you Sarah, and I know it's unforgivable, but I love you too much to just give up. Will you give me a second chance?
I love you Sarah, I can't say it enough. You are the love of my life and I can't lose you.
Please. Give me another chance.

In love,
Daniel Joseph Ricciardo

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