It's gonna be okay

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After what happened, I wan't able to sleep one second. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss - obviously. The next morning, the first guy who stood up and came to the deck, was George. He seemed to have a massive hangover, what was pretty obvious, after what he did yesterday.

"Good morning Sarah" He said and sat next to me, drinking his coffee. "Morning George. Do you have a hangover?" I asked and laughed a bit to provoke him. "Yes, a bad hangover" He replied and laughed too. "About what happened last night... I am sorry about that... Really. I drank absolutely too much. I remember everything, but I also regret everything. Are you mad?" He added and looked at me very cute. I know him really well, and I knew that he was really sorry.

"No, I am not mad. I don't act better when I am drunk. I can't be mad, that wouldn't be fair" I said and laughed. I hugged him and eventually we've chatted for a while. But suddenly, I felt someone laying his hand on my shoulder and giving me a coffee. I was confused, as he was standing behind me. But I took the coffee and turned around to see who it was. "Latte Macchiato with caramel syrup, with a little milk but no sugar, a Sarah-special creation special for you." Daniel said and brightly smiled at me. "Oh my god, how can you remember that?!" I said and took a sip of my coffee. It was perfect, exactly how I love my coffee. "I have a good brain" Daniel said and laughed. "Is it good?" "Oh yeah, perfect, thank you so much Dan" I said and gave him my best smile.

He sat in between of George and me and also drank his coffee. We were waiting for the other boys to stand up, when suddenly my phone rang. I picked up and it was my sister Luna, crying bitterly. "Hey honey, what is wrong? Are you okay?" I quickly asked and was really worried about her. "No, nothing is okay! There is a fire in the kitchen!" She said and started crying even more. I was absolutely overwhelmed, but tried to calm her down. But I couldn't. I was panicking so much, I was hardly able to talk. "Are you home alone?! Where are mom and dad? Or Arthur?" I asked and was fighting tears. Daniel and George seemed confused but worried at the same time. Daniel grabbed my hand and stroked it, so he can calm me down.

"Arthur is not here, he is in the cinema with his girlfriend. And mom and dad are having dinner in a restaurant, their phones are turned off! What should I do?! SARAH I AM SCARED!" She screamed in the phone. "Stay calm, okay? Just do what I say, okay? You get out of the house. Now. Take nothing with, just leave. Meanwhile I will call the fire fighters. You go over to the neighbours and tell them what happened and stay there, okay?" I said in panic. "But all our things!" She protested. "LUNA, LEAVE THE HOUSE!" I screamed. "Okay, I am on my way." I said not more and heard that she was walking away. "Are you outside?" I asked. "Not now" I continued hearing the footsteps, until I heard her scream. "LUNA WHAT HAPPENED?!" I said in shock. "the ceiling collapses, I can't move!" She said and the call ended. "LUNA! LUNA?! LUNA! FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I screamed and Daniel and George looked at me questionable.

"Our house is burning! And Luna-" I couldn't say more. I nearly collapsed, but Daniel held me in his arms and calmed me down. "George, you call the fire fighters and the emergency, I'll wake Pierre up and we go back to Monaco, okay?" Daniel then said and ran to the cabins. George called the emergency and the fire department, then he came to me and gave me a glass of water.

Only a few seconds later, I felt that the Yacht sat in motion. Daniel came back to me and hugged me tight. "It's gonna be okay Sarah, we'll be there in a moment. Don't you worry, please." He said to calm me down, but it didn't work. I was still crying bitterly and worried about Luna. I didn't care about the house or the memories in it, but I was extremely worried about Luna. "Can you call my parents?" I asked George and he did.

After a while, Charles and Carlos came to us. "Oh my god, what happened?" Charles asked and stroked over my cheek. Daniel explained the whole situation and we finally arrived at the port. Thankfully, Carlos called a Taxi which was waiting for us, Daniel, Charles and me, and drove us to the house. There were already some fire fighters and an ambulance. I saw my big brother Arthur, who was standing next to the house of Mrs. Smith, our neighbour. I ran to him, Daniel and Charles after me. "Arthur, did they get Luna out of the house?" I asked still in panic. "No, not now. But there is a guy inside who is searching her" He replied and hugged me.

Daniel went to a fire fighter and asked him something, but I didn't hear what. He came back to me and laid his hand on my shoulder. "They have found her. She is alive and okay. Nothing happened to her, she is okay." He said and I hugged him. "I am so glad. Oh my god. Can I see her?" I asked and was still stressed, but a big stone fell from my heart.

*Guys, I am going to have a vacation the next week. I try to post as much as I can, but I probably won't post every day! Thanks for understanding 🥰 *

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