I need to stay here

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When I opened my eyes, I realised that I fell asleep in Daniel's room in the hospital. I looked at him and smiled a bit. He still looked weak, but it seemed to me that he was doing much better than yesterday. I carefully stroked his cheek and stared at him for a while. Then, the doctor entered the room.

"Good morning Mr. Ricciardo. Oh, ma'm, you are already here?" He said when he saw me. "Well, I am still here. I fell asleep here" I said and laughed. He laughed too. "I wish I had a girlfriend like you, staying here with him the whole night in a very uncomfortable hospital-bed. That's called true love" He said and smiled. I smiled back, but I couldn't stop thinking about his words. I was a good girlfriend for Daniel, even I was with Lando. my brain was about to explode. Why did I stay here with Daniel? Was that feeling I couldn't describe love? I wasn't sure anymore.

After the doctor did some investigations, he came towards me. "I don't know what you did with him, but his condition is much better than yesterday. To be honest, his chances were very low yesterday. Maybe twenty percent. But now it's around eighty percent, his life is no longer in danger. And it's definitely not the medicine we gave him, it needs to be mentally." He said and then walked to the door. But before he left, he stopped and turned around. "I think he is going to wake up today." He then said and left.

A few hours later, someone knocked at the door and then entered. It were Lando and Charles. "Hey guys" I said and smiled at them. They came to us and Lando kissed me. "I missed you yesterday... I became second in the race" He said and smiled proudly. "And I won" Charles said with a smirk in his face. "I am proud of you guys, good job." I said, stood up and then hugged both of them. "How is Daniel doing?" Lando then asked. "He is doing very much better than yesterday, but he's still in a coma." I said and both of the boys stared at Daniel.

After a few minutes of their visit, Lando stood up from the chair he was sitting on. "Babe, we fly home today, we need to leave." He said and looked at me with a face, that made me understand "stand up and come with me, we have no time for Daniel anymore". "Lando, we can't leave him here alone. We are in England. No one of his family is here for him, and now we want to just leave him here alone? I will stay here. I can't do this." I said and both, Charles and Lando, looked shocked. "But- You- Why- Don't you-" Lando tried to say something, but was to confused for it. "Sarah... We have to leave the hotel today... You can't just stay here." Charles then said. "Then I'll book a new hotel. I will stay here with Daniel until he is awake and tells me what he wants. I won't fly home." I said stubbornly. Lando sighted but then realised that it  doesn't make sense to try to make me go home. "I will book you a new hotel and bring your things to your new room. And when I am finished with that, I will bring you the key, okay?" He then said and smiled at me.

Two hours later, Lando came back to the hotel and gave me the key and the address of the hotel. "I will miss you babe." He said and kissed me. I smiled at him and stroked his cheek. "I'll miss you too. And thank you... For getting me a new hotel and everything" I said and he then left the room. I staid with Daniel the whole day. I was on my phone and looked at Instagram, read a book and talked with Daniel. After I decided to leave soon, I laid down next no him and stroked over his cheeks. "Well Daniel, I guess I should better leave now. It's already very late, but I will be back tomorrow morning." I said and wanted to stand up. But suddenly, Daniel handled to move his hand and grab mine. He grabbed my finger and didn't let it go.

I smiled because I realised, that he was slowly waking up and got the control of his body back. So I laid down on the bed again and let him hold my finger. After a while, he grabbed my whole hand so I stroked over the back of his hand. I was staring at him the whole time, so I would see when he would finally open his eyes. Only 30 minutes later, exactly this happened. He finally opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Hey Daniel" I said and smiled at him. I was so unbelievable glad that he was okay. That he was finally awake and could see what was going on. "Hey Sarah" He said with a weak voice. But at least he talked. I hugged him around his neck and didn't let him go for a long time. "I am so unbelievable glad that you are okay... I missed you even you were here..." I said and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Darling I heard everything you said. Every single word. And it was the worst feeling that I couldn't reply and also don't move my body..." He said and stroked over my hair. "What you said yesterday... It was so beautiful... You made me realise that I need to fight and need to stay with you and everyone else. Thank you Ms. Harrison." He said and I smiled. "I meant every single word. Every single one..." I said and closed my eyes, enjoying the hug from him. 

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