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After dinner, I went upstairs to my room and started packing the things for Silverstone. What I didn't tell anyone at this time, was that I also signed up for a job at Ferrari. I didn't want to tell anyone, but in Great Britain I would have a talk with Mattia Binotto, the team boss of Ferrari.

I packed all my things and prepared and outfit for the next day. I lied into my bed and saw, that Lando has texted me.

L: Hey Babe, how was your day? ❤️
Me: Hey my love, it was great, what about you? ❤️
L: It was great, but I missed you... I wanted to come over but the meeting took to long, I am sorry 😞
Me: It's okay 😊 But I missed you too...
L: Thanks you cutie 🥰 Are you ready for Great Britain? 🤗
Me: Yeah I am fully prepared and very exited to meet your home 😃
L: Me too 😊 I will pick you up at 6am at your house, is this okay? 🥰
Me: Soooo early?! 💀☠️😴 But yeah, that's good 👍😊
L: Perfect 👍 Sleep well babe, I love you 😘
Me: aww, you charmer, I love you too 😘

After the chat with my boyfriend, I turned on the tv and watched some golf. I also had a friend who was a professional golfer, so I watched his game. After that, I closed the curtain and fell asleep peacefully.

My alarm clock woke me up at 5 o' clock. I was so tired, but I was also very exited to see the Formula 1 again. But of course I was looking forward most to see Lando. So I stood up and took a quick shower to feel fresh. After, I put on my outfit I prepared yesterday. It was a hoodie that I've stolen from Charles with some skinny jeans. I went downstairs and made myself a coffee. There was nothing I loved more than an espresso in the morning. I also ate a toast with Nutella and then already needed to leave. I grabbed my bags and went outside. Lando was already waiting there. He left his car and came to me, after he saw me.

"Hey babe" He said, kissed me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Hey babe. You look very tired" I said and smiled at him. I was so happy to see him! He took my bags and we went to his car. He started the car and held my hand while he was driving. "Daniel and Charles will fly with us too, did I already mention that?" Lando said after a while. "No, but that's great, I am very happy to see these guys." I said. Lando parked the car and wanted to leave, but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"There is one thing I need to know." I said and he sat back on the seat and closed the door. "Yes darling, what is it?" He replied and stroked my hand. "Do we want to just be a couple in privacy, only tell your mates or want to be an official, public couple?" I asked and he seemed to be a bit overwhelmed with my question. "Well... What do you want? I am open for everything." He then said. "To be honest, I don't want to keep it a secret. It's so complicating and stressful... It would be so much easier to just commit that we are together. But like I said, what do you want?" I said and he kissed me randomly. "I agree, it's much easier. So let's go to the airplane my love." We left the car and went to the gate where the team was. On the way, Lando grabbed my hand and he entwined his fingers with mine. I was melting inside, it was so cute!

As we finally arrived at the gate, some McLaren guys and Charles were already standing there. Charles came to me and hugged me. "Hello beautiful, how are you today?" He asked and Lando laid and arm around me. We chatted for a while, until we were allowed to enter the plane. Daniel was in a traffic jam, so he still wasn't here yet.

We've entered the plane anyways and sat down. Lando sat at the window, Charles at the other end of the row. I was sitting between them. We chatted for a while and the pilot came to us and said hi. After 20 minutes, Daniel finally arrived. "Hey guys, sorry, I was in a traffic jam..." He said and sat down on the other row. "No worries, you are here now, so everything is fine" I said and smiled.

After we finally started and reached the flight altitude, we stood up and sat down on a four seat, where two seats were opposite to the other two seats. Lando sat next to me, Daniel opposite to me. Charles sat next to Daniel and we started talking. After a while, Lando laid his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. He softly kissed my forehead and I stroked his cheek. Daniel looked at us for a while, then he asked: "Did I miss something, are you a couple or..." Lando carefully grabbed my chin and made me look at him. Then he smiled and kissed me.

"Yes, we are a couple" I said and smiled. Daniel smiled back, but I noticed that something was wrong. But I didn't thought much and just continued with chatting. After 2 hours flight, we finally arrived at the airport in great Britain. We left the plane and a shuttle bus brought us to the hotel.

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