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The next morning, Daniel woke me up with kissing my forehead. "Good morning my love, we have to stand up" He said and smiled at me sweetly. I opened my eyes and smiled back at him. "It's so early!" I complained. "Babe, it's 11am. We have to go and see Gary" Daniel said and stood up.

Not an hour later, Daniel and I arrived at Gary's studio. We entered and saw him sitting behind a computer. "Mr. Ricciardo, Ms. Harrison, how lovely to see you! How are you?" He said, stood up and came to us. We are doing good, thanks. How about you?" Daniel replied and shook his hand. "I am good thank you. Should I show you my studio?" Gary asked and grabbed a key which was laying on the table. Of course we agreed and Gary showed us his studio. It wasn't very big but it was a good studio. Gary's equipment was pretty old but still professional and expensive.

When our little tour was finished, we sat down in Gary's office and he gave us coffee. "Gary, I have an offer for you. You can say no if you are not interested or you can accept it if you want... I just want to tell you about my offer and will give you all the time you want. Okay?" I said after we sat down. "An offer? Yeah, tell me about it." Gary replied and looked very interested. "Okay. So it was always my dream to have an own company. I absolutely fell in love with your work and would be very interested to invest in your business. I would help you find employees and open more studios all over the world. The only condition is, that I will become a co-owner of your business." I said. "That sounds very interesting. About how much money are we talking?" Gary asked and took some notes on a sheet of paper. "500k Euros. But you can really say no, that's absolutely okay. Of course it would be an honour for me when you accept. I don't want to ruin your family-business" I replied and saw his shocked face. "That's a lot of money... I will think about it. Thank you Ms. Harrison." Gary replied with a smile. "Sarah. Otherwise I feel old."

After maybe two hours, Daniel and I went back to our apartments. I don't know what Daniel did, but I went home and looked at some houses in Monaco. I wanted to finally move in with Daniel. I didn't talk about it with him, but looking at some houses seemed to be a good idea.
I found very nice, modern houses.

Suddenly I got a text from Carlos.

Carlos: Hey Sarah, how is it going with Daniel? I saw a photo of you together so I thought you two might be back together?!

Me: Hi Carlos, yeah we are 🥰 Thanks for asking 😉 Can you send me the photo?

Carlos: Yeah of course ;)

Me: Aww I love it, thanks Carlos :)

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Me: Aww I love it, thanks Carlos :)

Carlos: No problem ;) Do I see you on the next GP?

Me: No idea, I'll ask Daniel. If he gives me a VIP ticket for sure XD

Carlos: Okay :) I'd be very happy to see you ;)

I didn't think about that! I had to ask Daniel if he will take me with to the next grand Prix. As I didn't work in Formula 1 anymore, I didn't have a ticket anymore. If Daniel wouldn't give me one of the VIP tickets he had for every grand prix, I had to buy a regular ticket what would be a big waste of money.

Me: Babe, did you already invite all of your VIP's or do you still have a place for me? 🥺
Daniel: I always have a place for you 😃 So do you come with me to Quebec?
Me: Yeah, if you want me XD
Daniel: Dumb question 🙃
Me: So you say no?
Daniel: No dummie, of course I say yes 😘
Me: Great, thank you 😘

Only a few seconds after I've sent this text, I received a text from Gary. I was unbelievable nervous to look at it and put my phone away. I walked around in my apartment and was thinking about what I should do next. I drank coffee, cleaned the bathroom and did my bed. I never do my bed, but I did everything to distract myself from the fact that I had to look at the message.
But it didn't help. I had to open the message. So I grabbed my phone, unlocked it and read the message.

G. Miller: Hello Sarah. I hope I am not bothering you! I was thinking about the deal you've made. I have decided, that I want to accept the deal. I am sure when you join my business, we can grow and get more popular. Thank you very much for this unbelievable opportunity, it's a great chance for me and my business.
So: Yes, I accept. You are going to be a co-owner of my, no our, business. And something you also asked me to think about: Joining Formula 1. Yes, I'll also accept this.
I have created a contract so everything goes well. When you have time you can come to the studio and sign so our deal is official.
Have a nice evening and thanks for everything :)

Dear future husband (Daniel Ricciardo ff)Where stories live. Discover now